Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center has a history of insufficiently respecting deceased journalists -- remember back in 2005, when the MRC used the death of Peter Jennings to remind people that "The MRC's archive is packed with documentation of liberal bias from Peter Jennings."
The MRC is doing the same thing with the death of Mike Wallace. In April 9 NewsBusters post, MRC VP Brent Baker whines that an ABC report on Wallace "began with a clip of Wallace, from either 1976 or during the 1980 campaign, demanding of Reagan: 'How many blacks are there on your top campaign staff, Governor?'"
Baker then recounted Wallace-bashing items from the MRC's archive, as recounted in a 2006 MRC post. At no point does Baker or anyone else at the MRC offer any other comment about Wallace's death that does not involve bashing his purported political views.
Stay classy, Brent.