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Wednesday, March 28, 2012
WND's Complaint About Media 'Blackout' on Birthers Ignores WND's Own Blackout
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily complains in a March 26 article:

Even though almost half of registered voters tell pollsters they are not convinced Barack Obama’s birth certificate is authentic – and even though the first official U.S. law enforcement investigation into the matter established “probable cause” that the document released with great fanfare by the White House last April is a computer-generated forgery – a virtual media blackout remains in effect on the most controversial story of the Obama presidency.

Even when one of several bombshell findings of Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s six-month investigation into Obama’s constitutional eligibility was rated last week by Internet ranking service as one of the most-read news stories in the entire world – due almost entirely to coverage by WND and the Drudge Report – not only the establishment press, but most of the “conservative” media as well, looked the other way. 

WND, of course, is engaging in its own media blackout by hiding from its readers the reasons Arpaio's investigation isn't being (and shouldn't be)  taken seriously, as is WND's birther obsession:

  • WND instigated the investigation by having Jerome Corsi give a presentation on his birther conspiracies to a tea party group, which then petitioned Arpaio for an investigation.
  • Corsi served as a de facto member of Arpaio's "cold case posse" by doing research for it.
  • WND is raising money for the posse, while skimming an undetermined amount off for itself.
  • The posse refused to talk to anyone who did not reinforce birther conspiracies, such as John Woodman, thus skewing the findings.
  • WND has refused to report on Woodman's findings, nor has it reported that birther lawyer Phil Berg debunked the idea that Obama is using a fraudulent Social Security number.
  • WND published numerous flattering articles about Arpaio in an apparent attempt to obtain a favorable result from his posse. Most people would call that bribery.
  • WND worked so closely with the posse that it published an article about the posse's findings at the same time the posse was presenting them to the public.
  • Corsi and posse leader Mike Zullo are trying to profit from the investigation by issuing a quickie e-book about the findings, depriving the posse of revenue by doing so.
  • WND and Arpaio are apparently coordinating releases from the posse, in possible violation of professional ethics.

WND won't say a thing about any of this. Gee, wonder why?

Posted by Terry K. at 1:08 AM EDT

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