Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center keeps finding new ways to avoid criticizing Rush Limbaugh for his denigrating attacks on contraception hearing withness Sandra Fluke.
A March 2 MRC item by Scott Whitlock repeated a theme by insisting that criticism of Limbaugh's hateful remarks was a "left-wing attack on Rush Limbaugh."Whitlock claimed with NBC "Today" co-host Robin Roberts "could barely contain her contempt" over Limbaugh's remarks, while avoiding any non-transcript mention of the words that earned that contempt.
A March 2 NewsBusters post by Geoffrey Dickens complained that MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell "actually had his production team make up a graphic of Rush Limbaugh’s sex life, adding "Of course, O’Donnell and [Alex] Wagner completely ignored the point that Limbaugh, unlike Fluke, has never demanded that the American taxpayers should pay for his or any other person’s birth control."
Of course, Dickens completely ignored the fact that Limbaugh cast aspersions on Fluke's personal life by calling her a "slut" and a "prostitute," thus creating an opening to criticize Limbaugh's own sex life.
Kyle Drennen, meanwhile, huffed that Fluke was allowed to appear on the "Today show, where co-host Matt Lauer did not pose "any challenging questions to Fluke" and gave Fluke a platform to slam the conservative radio host and urged her to denounce 'what seems to be a deafening silence coming from the right in standing up for you.'" Drennen didn't mention that some of that "deafening silence" about Limbaugh was coming from his own employer.
Drennen weirdly declared that "Today" host Matt Lauer's description of Limbaugh as someone whose "business model" is to make comments "that he hopes will get more people to talk about him, more people to listen to his radio show or buy his books" was "contemptuous." Drennenn made no effort to disprove that analysis.
Drennen proudly added that "Limbaugh's initial comments regarding Fluke were based on a CNS News report." That "report" -- actually a blog post by CNS director of communications Craig Bannister -- slimed Fluke as a "sex-crazed co-ed" who is having sex nearly three times a day.
Iin that sleazy vein, MRC employee Matt Philbin tweeted: "Anybody got Fluke's mailing address? I'm gonna send her a big Costco-sized box of condoms."
Then again, one might argue that Philbin himself is likely not making use of them.
That retweeter of Philbin's tweet, by the way, is former MRC employee and current Daily Caller reporter Jeff Poor.