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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
WND Columnist Peddles Falsehoods About Brazilian Companies
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Failed Alaskan senatorial candidate Joe Miller writes in a Nov. 28 WorldNetDaily column:

Since taking office in 2009, President Obama has accomplished great things for the economy ... of Brazil, that is. For some bizarre reason, Obama continues to do all he can to help out workers and businesses in South America's largest nation.

We all remember the U.S. Export-Import Bank's multi-billion dollar loan proposal to Petrobras – a large Brazilian oil firm – to aid in the development of Brazil's deep sea oil exploration.

In fact, Obama had nothing to do with the Petrobras loan. The loan process began before Obama was elected, and the Ex-Im bank was controlled by Bush appointees when the loan was approved.

Miller goes on to complain that the Air Force "has turned down the bid from American aircraft manufacturer Hawker Beechcraft to produce a light attack armed reconnaissance aircraft," instead going with "Brazilian aircraft company Embraer and its 'Super Tucano' airplane."Miller went on to complain, " It's odd that the Air Force would prefer U.S. pilots to fly in war zones in planes constructed in Brazil by Brazilian workers."

In fact, according to Aviation Week, the prime contractor on the project, and Embraer's partner, is an American company, Sierra Nevada Corp., and the plane will be built in Jacksonville, Fla.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:42 PM EST

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