Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah displays his thin skin yet again in his Jan. 27 column, going on a tirade set off by a Huffington Post blogger who called WND "white supremacist."
Farah actually does have a point here. WND is much more Christian reconstructionist than it is white supremacist, even though it has exhibited a tolerance for Pat Buchanan's racial bigotry.
But then, Farah writes this:
Would Arianna Huffington ask a "white supremacist" to do that?
Maybe she would.
After all, she invites inveterate liars and mudslingers to write opinion pieces on her website.
She's actually got one nut job on her payroll who pretty much writes full-time about me and WND – with hardly a word of it connected to reality.
Gee, who could Farah be talking about? Sounds like it's me.
First, I'm not on Huffington's "payroll" since Huffington Post doesn't pay its bloggers. Second, Farah has yet to offer any evidence whatsover that any claim I have made about him and WND is wrong or otherwise not "connected to reality."
I'll take this as proof that Farah reads ConWebWatch and is scared that the truth I tell about him and WND (and the rest of the ConWeb) will find a larger audience. He clearly feels that he must discredit me any way he can; since he has no actual facts to back him up, resorts to ad hominem attacks like "nut job" (if you'll recall, he has previously called me a "talent-challenged slug").
In short: The truth is on my side, and Farah knows it.