Topic: Newsmax
An Oct. 31 Newsmax article reports that, according to the UK's Daily Mail, "Climate crusader Al Gore did his part to warm the planet last week, leaving his car idling for an hour as he gave a lecture on sustainable development in Sweden." But there's no evidence that this ever happened.
The Daily Mail sourced its claim to Marc Morano's Climate Depot, which, in turn, repeats a claim by "journalist and communications consultant" Einar Du Rietz that is "Reprinted from CFACT.EU." But both CFACT.EU and Climate Depot are operated by the same group, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and Du Reitz offers no proof to back up his claim.
Meanwhile, a Gore spokesman told Media Matters that the story is false and that Gore did not leave his car idling.
Four days after its original post, Climate Depot appended an update asserting that "Swedish Newspaper GT Expressen Has Photographic Proof & Eyewitnesses of Gore's Limo Idling." But the GT Expressen article (translation) cites no "eyewitnesses," and the "photographic proof" -- a picture of a guy standing next to a car -- is hardly proof of anything. (GT Expressen is a right-leaning tabloid.)
A day later, Climate Depot appended another update noting Gore's denial and adding:
Rebuttal to Gore: 'Our post is accurate. The bottom line is this: Al Gore continues to arrogantly refuse to make himself available to journalistic inquiry. Mr. Gore continues to make travel and lifestyle choices that reveal his belief that making do with less is for you and me, but not for him.'
But Climate Depot has yet to offer any actual proof to back up its claim, and it has never conclusively demonstrated that its "post is accurate."
As we've detailed, Morano, a former reporter for, has a history of pushing bogus attacks on global warming.