Topic: Newsmax
Newsmax endorses the Republican candidate for Florida governor it fought against during the primary -- and donates $100,000 to a group linked to him. Plus: Newsmax hosts the website for Dick Morris' PAC. Read more >>
Monday, November 8, 2010
New Article -- More Than An Endorsement, Part 2: The Flip-Flop
Topic: Newsmax Newsmax endorses the Republican candidate for Florida governor it fought against during the primary -- and donates $100,000 to a group linked to him. Plus: Newsmax hosts the website for Dick Morris' PAC. Read more >>
Posted by Terry K.
at 3:09 PM EST
WND's Farah Embraces Obama Trip Cost Lie
Topic: WorldNetDaily Looking for the truth about Obama's trip to India? Don't go to WorldNetDaily -- it's content to report lies, and that comes straight from the head man himself. Joseph Farah's Nov. 8 column starts this way:
Farah is lying to you. "India officials" is actually a single, anonymous claim reported in the Indian media. Farah's taking refuge in claiming that the White House won't reveal the real cost -- even though it would compromise Obama's security to do so -- is just a pathetic attempt to keep the story alive. The $200 million figure has been discredited by pretty much every credible news source on the planet -- even Fox News. That leaves disreputable outlets lke WND who insist on clinging to the lie in order to further its anti-Obama agenda. But if WND couldn't lie about Obama, it wouldn't have much of an anti-Obama agenda.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:46 PM EST
MRC Upset That Magazine Honored Gay Teen
Topic: Media Research Center The Media Research Center lets its anti-gay agenda fly again in a Nov. 3 Culture & Media Institute column by Erin Brown, who is upset that a magazine would dare to honor a gay teen:
How did McMillen wanting to bring the date of her choice to the prom "wreck everyone else’s prom"? Brown doesn't explain. This is not the first time the MRC has denigrated McMillen. In June, the MRC's Tim Graham bizarrely suggested that McMillen was cashing in on the prom rejection because "Ellen DeGeneres gave her a $30,000 scholarship check" and "she's meeting with Obama and being celebrated at Gay Pride parades and ACLU fundraisers at Woodstock."
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:29 AM EST
Reisman Explains Word She Invented
Topic: WorldNetDaily We noted that Judith Reisman, in her Oct. 27 WorldNetDaily column, made use of the heretofore unknown word "homosexist." Reisman's Nov. 6 WND column explains the word -- namely, the fact that she made it up:
What is the "Partner Solicitation Language as a Reflection of Male Sexual Orientation" she is referring to? She explains:
Here's the paper she's referring to. In it, Reisman and Johnson compares ISO personal ads in the "predominately heterosexual" Washingtonian magazine with those in the "predominately homosexual" Advocate in order to determine "what is common heterosexual and homosexual conduct. Needless to say, Reisman finds results designed to further her anti-gay agenda: Gay personal ads are more likely to seek someone for"prostitution services" and "man/teen sex," while heterosexual ads are more interested in "time-bound relationships" and someone "to share nonsexual interest." Reisman's methodology is flawed. In citing demographic data, she overlooks that the a magazine geared toward a specific city and a magazine geared to a nationwide audience in a specific culture defined by sexual identity are not really equivalent, despite her unsupported assertion that the Advocate "is often described as the homosexual equivalent of Newsweek." And even she concedes that "it is inaccurate to state that the men advertising ISO represent all male readers of these two publications." Reisman, of course, is not interested in an objective analysis of the subject -- she's too biased. She has an agenda, and it takes shoddy research and mae-up words to advance it, she's totally down with that.
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:05 AM EST
CNS Joins Latest Bamboozlement on Obama Trip
Topic: CNN's Ed Henry has pointed out how Obama "critics" -- which is to say, conservatives -- have been keeping the bogus story of the cost of President Obama's Asia trip alive, now that the $200 million figure it's been peddling has been discontinued, by claiming that the White House "won't say how much it's really costing." That's the template the ConWeb is currently following. We've already noted how WorldNetDaily's Les Kinsolving and Pat Boone have already done this. Now has joined the bamboozlement with a Nov. 5 article by Nicholas Ballasy, who writes that "National Security Council spokesman Mike Hammer told reporters that the alleged $200M a day cost of President Obama’s trip to Asia is 'wildly inflated' but he did not specify the actual cost. But as Henry stated, the reason the actual cost is not being released is for security reasons. It seems that the ConWeb wants to compromise the president's security. Wonder why...
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:09 AM EST
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Ellis Washington Doesn't Like Juvenile Justice
Topic: WorldNetDaily What is Ellis Washington ranting about in this week's WorldNetDaily column? The existence of a juvenile justice system:
Um, yeah. But the real news is that Washington says this ranting is apparently based on "a two-part law review article I'm writing on the historical background the progressive movement and its creation of the juvenile justice system. The second part will be published later this year." What law review would publish someone like Washington? One that is mercifully ignorant of his work, preferably one far, far outside the United States. Washington found the perfect outlet: "Juridica," the law review of Danubius University in Romania. Yes, Washington had to scrounge up a law review in Romania to publish him. The first part of Washington's law review article carries an interesting byline for him, calling him a "Professor of Law and History" at Spring Arbor University. It's a small Methodist school in Michigan. But we looked on the college's website and couldn't find any mention whatsoever of Washington, let alone evidence that he was a "professor" there. The lack of evidence to support his employment at Spring Arbor suggests that this is just as dishonest as his claim to be the "former editor of the Michigan Law Review."
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:34 PM EST
Pat Boone Embraces Bogus Obama Trip Cost
Topic: WorldNetDaily Pat Boone demonstrates yet again his utter indifference to the facts -- and that he'll mindlessly repeat any lie as long as it hurts President Obama -- with his Nov. 6 WorldNetDaily column, in which heswallowshook, line and sinker the bogus claims about the costs ofObama's Asian trip:
Of course, Boone is a liar. The figure he's citing has been repeatedly discredited, even by Fox News. We could find no Reuters article mentioning, let alone "confirming" as Boone claims, the $200 million figure. Perhaps Boone can share his research with us. Nevertheless, Boone's lie-based outrage provides him with the opportunity to slip yet again into full-on tirade mode:
Pat Boone is a documented liar, and his propensity for lying eliminates any moral authority he might claim for his anti-Obama screeds.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:09 PM EDT
AIM's Favorite Coward Pens Gay-Bashing Tirade
Topic: Accuracy in Media Accuracy in Media's favorite pseudonymous coward, "Jonah Knox," uses his Nov. 5 AIM column to ask the question, "Will the Tea Party Tackle the Moral Crisis?" And by "moral crisis," "Knox" means the existence of gays. "Knox" wrote that failed New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino "initially made correct statements about homosexuality, but homosexuals and their leftist allies came out in force to smear him." But he lamented that "Paladino later backed down from his comments which earned him a reprieve from GOProud but proved that his conservatism was itself questionable." "Knox" then attacked MSNBC's Ed Schultz because he "used Paladino’s remarks to accuse the GOP of “homophobia,” which is supposed to be an unwarranted fear of a 'lifestyle' that is characterized by serious health problems that frequently result in disease and death. It’s not homophobia but common sense and concerns for public health that make people recoil from embracing 'gay rights.'" Yeah, you see where this is going, and it deteriorates quickly. "Knox" goes on to assert that "there is an urgent need for conservatives concerned about morality and values to understand why the agenda of the 'gay conservatives' has to be exposed and defeated." He recites a laundry list of alleged "crimes committed by homosexuals in the U.S. and worldwide are either unreported or not described by their true nature." Among them: "Perez Hilton calling Carrie Prejean a c***." You really want to throw Hilton in prison for that, "Jonah"? "Knox" also asserts that "There is a clear connection between Marxism and homosexuality," citing as evidence two guys alleged to be communist. "Knox" apparently thinks that two people comprise a scientifically valid sample. Given that "Knox" hates gays as much as AIM's Cliff Kincaid does, how do we know that "Knox" really isn't Kincaid himself?
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:34 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, November 7, 2010 11:34 AM EDT
Saturday, November 6, 2010
NewsBusters Defends Bad Indian Journalism
Topic: NewsBusters In a Nov. 5 NewsBusters post, Ken Shepherd complains that, on MSNBC's "Hardball," Salon's Joan Walsh is "imagining the rationale of conservative critics" in their criticizing of the purported cost of President Obama's trip to India. But Shepherd goes on to imagine he knows something about journalism in India. Shepherd writes that "Hardball" host Chris Matthews "was content to put down Indian journalism." But Shepherd fails to fully explain why Matthews would do such a thing -- or even why Indian journalism should be defended, as Shepherd seems to be saying. As we've detailed, conservative media have been running with the utterly bogus claim that Obama's trip to India and Asia will cost $200 million a day. This claim came from an anonymous report in an Indian newspaper. The conservative media and radio hosts who promoted the claim made no effort to confirm its accuracy. NewsBusters has previously attacked reporters that use anonymous sources in stories about conservaties like Sarah Palin. Why is it OK for anonymous sources to be used against a Democrat? Perhaps Shepherd should answer that question.
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:17 PM EDT
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Robert Ringer Division
Topic: WorldNetDaily
-- Robert Ringer, Nov. 5 WorldNetDaily column
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:43 AM EDT
MRC Cheers Olbermann Suspension, But Defended Fox News' Donations
Topic: Media Research Center The Media Research Center has long despised Keith Olbermann, and when MSNBC suspended Olbermann over donations he made to Democratic candidates, the MRC was quick to pile on. MRC president Brent Bozell issued a statement:
(By contrast, Bozell asserted that NPR's firing of Juan Williams showed that it was "kowtowing to the agenda of radical anti-Americans like CAIR, and doing the bidding of George Soros, who hates Fox News with a passion.") Over at NewsBusters, Tim Graham highlighted the alleged hypocrisy of Olbermann's donations given his "grandstanding on the need for national legislation to restrain a 'national cable-news outlet' for donating to federal candidates." And Noel Sheppard was offended that Rachel Maddow "point[ed] numerous fingers at Fox News personalities that have made their own political donations," huffing that "mounting a defense for her friend by pointing out that folks did the same thing at a rival network with a different employee code of conduct was irrelevant." Of course, unmentioned by all at the MRC was the fact that it defended in increasingly logic-defying ways the $1 million donation by Fox News' parent, News Corp., to the Republican Governor's Association. Sheppard's taking refuge in corporate policies -- because it's not prohibited, it's OK no matter what ethics dictate -- may very well be the lamest defense yet.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:35 AM EDT
Friday, November 5, 2010
AIM's Self-Appointed 'Senator Bob'
Topic: Accuracy in Media A Nov. 4 Accuracy in Media column carries an interesting byline: "Senator Bob" Smith. The explanation comes at the end of the column:
So Smith is not a senator, he's a former senator. He may want to be called "Senator Bob," but it misleads about Smith's current status. Why is AIM -- which supposedly believes in, you know, accuracy in media -- enabling Smith to perpetuate the false idea that he's still a senator? He may miss the job, but it's not AIM's job to help him delude himself.
Posted by Terry K.
at 3:13 PM EDT
WND Still Wants to Hang Onto Bogus Obama Trip Cost
Topic: WorldNetDaily WorldNetDaily has already promoted bogus claims about the cost and extent of President Obama's visit to Asia, while making no effort to verify the claim. Now that no sane person is credibly promoting the claim, WND wants to change the subject. A Nov. 4 WND article details WND White House correspondent's bantering with White House press secretary Robert Gibbs over the purpoted $200 million per day cost cost, pretending that the issue is not that the claim WND reported has been discredited, but that the White House won't release "the actual cost." It's not until the 17th and final paragraph that it's revealed that the Pentagon has discredited a related claim, that it would deploy 34 ships and an aircraft carrier during the trip. Even then, WND adds that "Kinsolving then pointed out the Pentagon, while denying the '34 ships' report, did not say how many vessels would be deployed as part of the president's security." WND doesn't want to tell you the reason the White House doesn't reveal the actual cost of the trip: national security. As CNN's Anderson Cooper reported, the White House doesn't comment on trip logistics for security reasons. Plus, Cooper noted, given the costs of previous presidential overseas trips, there's no way the trip would cost anywhere near $200 million a day, even accounting for inflation and given that the war in Afghanistan costs $190 million a day. Cooper added that "these facts could have easily been checked by anyone who is spreading this story." The fact that WND couldn't be bothered to check tells you all you need to know about its commitment to journalism -- or, rather, its total lack of commitment.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:23 PM EDT
CNS: Democrats Are So Gay
Topic: Terry Jeffrey writes in a Nov. 4 "news" article:
Jeffrey goes on to write, "Even in San Francisco, however, there were only 8,902 same-sex-couple households out of a total of 329,700 households. That means same-sex-couple households accounted for only 2.7 percent of households in San Francisco, according to the 2000 Census." He adds: "Most of the City of San Francisco is represented in the U.S. House of Representatives by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose party lost its majority in the House in Tuesday's election." To hammer home thatpoint, Jeffrey's article is illustrated with a picture of San Francisco. Nowhere does he explain why he's singling out SF here. This is not the first time Jeffrey has targeted San Francisco: Last month he devoted a column to how "arts" organizations in San Francisco (Jeffrey's scare quotes, not ours) received stimulus money.
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:20 AM EDT
NewsBusters Plays Dumb About Impeachment
Topic: NewsBusters Mark Finkelstein writes in a Nov. 3 NewsBusters post:
Really? Apparently Finkelstein doesn't read fellow right-wing outlet WorldNetDaily, which regularly agitates for impeachment? And he apparently has never heard of famous Republican strategist Floyd Brown, who has entire websites dedicated to the impeachment cause, which he's been pushing for more than a year now. Heck, Brown's Western Journalism Center and WND even got together to pen a (falsehood-laden) "case for impeachment." Or maybe Finkelstein missed Jonathan Chait's prediction that Republicans will impeach Obama for whatever reason? Finkelstein previously praised Chait's pondering that conservatives' worst claims about the Clintons might be correct. Finkelstein, by the way, followed that declaration of ignorance with an ellipsis-filled Schultz transcript suggesting that he was taking a thing or two out of context. The next day, Finkelstein followed up by claiming that Schultz "was 'obsessed' with the nutty notion that Republicans are plotting to impeach Pres. Obama." Still no acknowledgment that his fellow right-wing activists are agitating for this to happen.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:13 AM EDT
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