Topic:'s pedantic obsession with whether or not President Obama says a certain word just got undermined. From an Oct. 25 CNS article by Fred Lucas:
On the campaign trail for Democrats in recent days, President Barack Obama said the word “Creator” when quoting the Declaration of Independence, although he omitted the word in several earlier speeches this year. The addition of "Creator" came after press reports noted the omission in Obama's earlier speeches.
But CNS' obsession was dsesigned to generate hatred among its readers toward the president, and commenters on the article have obliged:
- President Obama is like a destructive child who takes apart a priceless watch that was carefully passed down to him. Without regard for the value of what he holds, he recklessly scatters the pieces on the floor and then can’t put them back together again. Failing to learn from his mistakes, this destructive child moves on to another room where he finds another watch to take apart. Once again, he cannot put the pieces back together. That doesn’t stop him from tearing apart yet another costly timepiece until all that’s left are the pieces of discarded, functionless watches lying at his feet. What’s worse is that nobody steps in to stop him before he destroys again.
- Wait until until this refugee from the circus slips up, and instead of Creator, which he obviously has a problem with, he uses the word he is more comfortable with....Allah
- Obama leaves out reference to "The Creator" because in his mind that equates to GEORGE SOROS His Creator and puppet master.
- Something tells me that the "Creator" doesn't really appreciate being used as a political prop. Sorry bubby, you're not supposed to use God. You're supposed to let Him use you. But then, a Christian would know that. An athiest, obviously, would not.
- I think it's a little late for Mr. O to try to learn to speak the language of people he's already alienated.
- This clown's commie government will be destroyed on election day.
- lousy hate America Manchurain candidate stealth muslim. we need to send him back to the ghetto ASAP
- Webster's needs to come up with new adjectives to adequately describe this fraud in the WH. Contempt. That's what America now has for him. We are returning to him the sentiment he has for us.
- What a pathetic, manipulative attempt at "playing" the voters! This Marxist, like ALL Communists, USE religion to nefarious ends.
The Socialists Obama, Pelosi and Reid are hell-bent on having the Democrat Party seen 20 years from now in the same light as the Whig and Bull Moose parties: EXTINCT!! All patriotic Americans (especially young ones) NEED to go vote and throw out the LIBERTY-ROBBING, HIGH-TAXING, MORALLY BANKRUPT Democrats in 2010 and 2012!! Your freedom DEPENDS on it...... - Too late ol' shuck-n-jive, we already saw your original intent more than once.
- This isn't news. If one pays attention and asks questions you would have known what kind of man he was long ago. Being a member of a questionable "church" led by Jeremiah Wright should have raised eyebrows. The speech he gave at Georgetown University back in April of '09 when he had the name of Lord Jesus Christ covered up with a black plywood triangle should be all the proof you need. Y'all should know better than to judge this man by his words. He lies. Judge him by his actions...they are all-telling.
- Hooray! There is a God today! Or is he talking about our "creator", evolution....?
Nice readers you got there, CNS.
UPDATE: Lucas has a new article up featuring White House press secretary Robert Gibbs being asked a question about it by WorldNetDaily's Les Kinsolving.
You may recall that Kinsolving's boss, Joseph Farah, declared the omission of "Creator" to be "an attempt at deicide by Obama."