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Monday, October 18, 2010
WND's Welch: Difference of Opinion = Treason
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Dave Welch uses his Oct. 16 WorldNetDaily column to unleash an attack on a judge who issued an opinion he disagrees with.

Welch bashes Judge Virginia Phillips' decision against the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy an "act of judicial jihad" and "an act of treason." Welch continues:

The raw arrogance represented by this Virginia Phillips should result in impeachment.  She has proven herself not only unfit for judgeship but is in fact a "domestic enemy" of the very kind our military members take an oath to defend against.

In addition to the usurpation of authority, the blow against the values that represent the fabric and foundation of this county is even more egregious.  Even the social engineers with much influence in our Defense Department understand caution is in order before throwing away centuries of historical military precedence.

As he has before, Welch goes into anti-gay territory: "Elevating sexual perversion to protected – and yes, it will be protected, not equal – status in our military effectively destroys the vital moral strength needed to withstand and prevail against the horrors of war."

Posted by Terry K. at 5:15 PM EDT

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