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Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Farah Prematurely Delcares Victory Over Obama on Birther Issue
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In his Aug. 10 WorldNetDaily column, Joseph Farah insists that President Obama haslost on the "eligibilty" issue:

 Not only is it a winning issue, it is the only issue that can effectively undo the nightmare of the Obama era in one fell swoop.

There would be no need for repealing Obamacare if it turns out his presidency was a sham from the beginning.

There would be no need to wait until Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan retire or die to see them replaced on the Supreme Court if it turns out his presidency was a sham from the beginning.

There would be no need to wring our hands in hopes that future congresses and future presidents might roll back all of the damage Obama has inflicted on America if it turns out his presidency was sham from the beginning.

There would be no need to wait until 2011 in hopes that a new Republican majority might impeach Obama if it turns out his presidency was a sham from the beginning.

There would be no need to wait until 2012 for another chance to replace Obama if it turns out his presidency was a sham from the beginning.

That's why this issue is so important.

The way Farah and WND have been trying to keep the issue alive is by telling a lot of lies. An issue based on lies is hardly a winning one. And Farah keeps up the lies here:

Secondly, even in the extremely unlikely event that Obama were to produce a birth certificate that affirmed his birth story, it will merely serve to refocus the debate on eligibility. The best-selling new book "Manchurian President" devotes an entire chapter to exploring whether Obama could be constitutionally eligible as the son of Kenyan father. The clear conclusion is no – he can't be. There is no way that a foreigner could confer natural-born citizenship on a son no matter where that son was born.

In fact, as we detailed, Klein reached that conclusion by parroting birther lawyers and studiously ignoring legal analysis to the contrary, so it's hardly the exhaustive analysis Farah portrays it as. Klein's analysis also relies on defining "natural born" as having both parents be U.S. citizens -- which even WND acknowledges lacks binding legal precedent.

Further, Klein also concluded that Obama was born in Hawaii, but you won't hear Farah mention that.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:40 PM EDT

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