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Monday, August 9, 2010
WND's Birther Lies On Top of Lies On Top of Lies
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah headlines his Aug. 9 WorldNetDaily column "Lies on top of lies on top of lies." Unfortunately, he's not talking about the ones he and his website have told.

As we've detailed, WND is the leading purveyor of falsehoods over Barack Obama and his eligibility to be president. WND has also been piling up falsehoods to cover up its mendacity, such as pretending that it never questioned Obama's citizenship, an effort that still goes on today. In a July 21 WND article, Aaron Klein claimed that WND "has never reported Obama was born outside the U.S." -- a claim contradicted by WND's promotion of an "Kenyan birth certificate" it couldn't be bothered to confirm the authenticity of before publishing.

Last week, WND asserted that newly confirmed Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan worked on birther cases as Obama's solicitor general -- a claim so utterly false that even WND was shamed into correcting it.

Farah is the last person who should be throwing stones at the supposed lies of others.

Those attacks, meanwhile, are couched in technicalities and theoretical suppositions, not fact. Here's Farah's response to the idea that contemporaneous announcements of Obama's birth in Honolulu newspapers are sufficient evidence of his Hawaiian birth:

I'm still shocked by the fact that so many press outlets, media pundits and otherwise certifiably skeptical news people accept newspaper birth announcements as the equivalent of a birth certificate. I would like any of them to try using newspaper birth announcements as a substitute for a birth certificate in any venue that requires the original document. I'll save you the trouble. It won't work. The newspaper birth announcements only provide some corroborating evidence that a certification of live birth was likely generated by the Hawaii health department. And even the certification of live birth is not a legitimate substitute for an original long-form birth certificate – nor should it be – to get a driver's license, a passport or to enroll in Little League sports. There are just too many ways to generate such a document without documented, eyewitness accounts of the actual birth.

Farah, of course, has no evidence that  Obama was not born in Hawaii -- even his reporter Aaron Klein concedes this, though WND won't report it -- so he must take refuge in the theoretical (and arguably infintesimal) possibility that Obama's parents might have lied to Hawaii officials about where Barack was born in order to obtain a Hawaii birth certificate, with the presumed intent of making Barack eligible to run for president 47 years hence.

Farah doesn't care about the truth -- he only cares about peddling hate. If he's accusing others of telling lies, you can be sure he's really just trying to cover up his own.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:06 AM EDT

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