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Wednesday, July 28, 2010
The MRC vs. Pop Music
Topic: Media Research Center

July has been I Hate Pop Music Month for the professional prudes at the MRC's Culture & Media Center.

A July 9 CMI article by Katie Bell criticized NBC's "Today" for allowing Lady Gaga to perform:

Gaga’s “Today” show performance would have been best suited for an evening concert in which the kiddos were left with grandparents or sitters. Many young children were present at the July 9 outdoor morning performance.

But “Today” did not seem to mind the tawdry costumes and suggestive dance moves.

Bell was further offended that Lady Gaga "still managed to squeeze in her gay agenda, and the family-friendly Today Show allowed it."

On July 15, Alana Goodman got offended by what she thinks she heard -- not what was actually there -- in an M.I.A. song:

A controversial new pop song might have young music fans unwittingly singing about burkas, the Taliban and, especially, loving Allah.
Pop singer phenomenon Maya Arulpragasam, also known as M.I.A., has released a new song called “Lovalot” that has raised eyebrows among music reviewers, some of whom say the lyrics show M.IA.’s sympathy for radical Muslim suicide bombers.


Probably one of the most controversial parts of the song is the chorus, where M.I.A. repeats the phrase “I really love a lot” in such a way that it undeniably sounds like “I really love Allah.”

Was Goodman similarly outraged by the inherent homosexuality in Jimi Hendrix's misheard lyrics?

It was back to more Gaga-bashing, with Sarah Knoploh excoriating Newsweek for committing the offense of saying something nice about her music videos. The writer, Knoploh huffed, "point out how inappropriate her music videos truly are."

The video for the song "Telephone," Knoploh declares, is "full of nudity and suggestive dancing" and "is so inappropriate that YouTube requires viewers to confirm they are 18 years old to view it." Knoploh seems not to understand that mature scenes are not necessarily synonymous with lack of quality.

Knoploh has a funny definition of "inappropriate," given that she considers condoning the deaths of abortion doctors to be entirely appropriate.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:12 PM EDT

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