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Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Will Bozell Apologize For Falsely Smearing Sherrod As Racist?
Topic: Media Research Center

Brent Bozell already called Shirley Sherrod a "racist" in his silly statement berating the media for not smearing her like he is. He goes on to write in his July 20 column:

The bigger problem for the NAACP is that it has its very own racists. Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government website revealed video of a NAACP banquet where U.S. Department of Agriculture appointee Shirley Sherrod talked about how she didn’t want to help a white farmer because he should be helped by “his own kind.” The contempt in her voice, in her face, and in the audience’s laughter is unmistakable.

 As the full video of Sherrod's remarks -- which Bozell did not see, and apparently made no effort to seek out before spewing his smears -- shows, Sherrod is not a racist. The story she was telling that Bozell portrayed as "racist" was in fact an anecdote occurred 24 years ago and was meant to illustrate, in full context that Bozell ignores, that she had learned that race cannot be a consideration in aiding people.

Will Bozell apologize for and retract his smears? We shall see.

P.S. Bozell is not the only MRC employee to portray Sherrod as racist -- Kyle Drennen and Noel Sheppard did as well, again without making any effort to see the full video beforehand. They owe Sherrod an apology and retraction, too, as does Mark Finkelstein, who falsely asserted that Sherrod "bragg[ed] about having declined to do everything in her power to help someone because of the white color of his skin."

Posted by Terry K. at 12:03 AM EDT

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