Topic: WorldNetDaily
Today's WorldNetDaily commentary page features no less than four columns -- by Dennis Prager, Thomas Sowell, Mychal Massie, and Joseph Farah -- parroting the right-wing talking points that the tea party movement is not racist and the NAACP is wrong, if not racist themselves, to claim they are. None of these writers mention the most compelling evidence to date of racism in the tea party movement: Mark Williams.
In fact, nowhere at WND can you read about Williams, the Tea Party Express spokesman who, on top of his long history of racially charged statements, penned a blog post mocking NAACP Benjamiin Jealous in the form of a letter to Abraham Lincoln asking him to reinstate slavery because all blacks really want are "Three squares, room and board, all our decisions made by the massa in the house." Not even in the WND article quoting Farah challenging the NAACP to "repudiate racism as unequivocally as I have"makes any mention of Williams, even though his racist blog post got him and his Tea Party Express kicked out of the National Tea Party Federation. The fact that other tea partiers felt the need to distance themselves from Williams seems to prove NAACP's point.
Note to Farah: Refusing to acknowledge Mark Williams' racism does not equal a "repudiation" of it.