Topic: WorldNetDaily
A July 12 WorldNetDaily article by Drew Zahn promotes evangelist Bill Keller's plan for a "9-11 Christian Center" in Manhattan to counter a proposed mosque near the site of the World Trade Center; according to Keller, he wants to "combat the lies of this world and Islam with the Truth." And it is a promotion: Zahn's article concludes with instructions on how to donate to it.
Zahn describes Keller only has head of ", an Internet ministry that claims over 2.4 million subscribers," which hides the extent of Keller's extremism. As Richard Bartholomew details, Islam is not the only thing Keller seeks to "combat"; he has also attacked Jews (he considers Kaballah a "cult") and Mormons "a vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for Satan").
Further, Keller is a rabid, WND-worther Obama-hater. Keller's website portrays President Obama as an "Enemy of God," andhe was also the producer of a sad little birther informercial starring Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation, a birther lawyer with close ties to WND.