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Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Bozell Defends Hannity, Stops Heathering David Frum
Topic: Media Research Center

Brent Bozell seems to be going the Sarah Palin route by publishing his missives on his Facebook page.

Bozell's March 31 Facebook statement -- republished at NewsBusters --  is a defense of Sean Hannity over accusations that the group he financially supports, Freedom Alliance, is misusing money:

I have looked at the charges being brought against him. David Frum published an excellent analysis of these charges and concluded, as did I, that they were utterly bogus. That, of course, won't stop the Left. They are now taking these bogus charges and calling for IRS investigations.

Sean Hannity has raised millions of dollars to support the families of fallen heroes. He's criss-crossed the country countless times not just raising this money, but raising awareness for this noble cause. He's done it all for free. And more: He's donated, I'm told, hundreds of thousands of dollars personally to this cause.

It's time for conservatives to rally around this man. He is being attacked personally not just because he's trying to do something good for our military, but because he's got a message to tell America in this book, and the Left wants him stopped -- by any means necessary. We cannot allow them to succeed with this campaign of character assassination.

Bozell leaves out a couple details -- namely, that the accusations against Hannity's group originated not on "the Left" but on the right, from blogger Debbie Schlussel.

Bozell's defense follows a similar one by MRC division, which identified Schlussel as the source of the accusations but not that Schlussel is a fellow right-winger.

Also, the David Frum whose website hosts the "excellent analysis" Bozell is citing is the same David Frum whom Bozell's Media Research Center has repeatedly attacked for not being conservative enough. After the 2008 election, Bozell wrote an entire column complaining that the New York Times gave a forum to people, including Frum, to criticize National Review for an alleged decline in "erudition" following the death of William F. Buckley:

But the star of Arango’s piece was David Frum, who clearly and very publicly disagreed with the Sarah Palin nomination (and surprise! CBS News found him very interesting and invited him to come on “The Early Show” and declare the Palin pick a “huge mistake.”) He told the Times “a little more distance” from NR “can help everybody do a better job of keeping their temper.” Arango offered readers no example of Frum’s erudition against Palin, and no example of Frum critics losing their temper in print.

Because Frum's website published something Bozell can make hay with, does this mean the MRC's Heathering of Frum will stop? We shall see.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:23 PM EDT

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