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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
CNS Joins Battle to Defend Hannity, Bash Schlussel

The ConWeb has certainly arrayed some significant firepower to defend Sean Hannity.

We've previously detailed how WorldNetDaily has rushed to Hannity's defense over accusations by right-wing blogger Debbie Schlussel that Freedom Alliance, an organization affiliated with Hannity and co-founded by Oliver North, has misspent money designated for scholarships (while hiding its tangled relationship with her). Now has joined the battle in a March 22 article by Michael Chapman.

Chapman's clear goal is to discredit Schlussel, describing her as "a blogger who cited an unnamed source who, in turn, cited an unnamed 'guy' at Fox News Channel in suggesting that the charity used some of its donations to pay lavish expenses supposedly incurred by Hannity." Chapman does not mention Schlussel's ideological leanings.

Chapman went on to complain that "Schlussel did not name the source who sent her the message citing the unnamed 'guy' at Fox News who claimed that Hannity had run-up big expenses on the tab of the Freedom Concerts." He lavishes much more attention on Freedom Alliance's defense.

We don't have a dog in this fight, but Schlussel is known for making hyperbolic claims. We do find it interesting how much effort is being put into shooting down Schlussel on this, while pretending she's not a fellow right-winger -- even though that ideological link is the reason her claim has gathered traction to the point that other right-wingers are working hard to shoot it down.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:05 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 12:00 AM EDT

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