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Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The Week in AIM Conspiracy-Mongering
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Most of Accuracy in Media's big articles over the past week or so have been dedicated to promulgating one conspiracy or another.

Cliff Kincaid's March 22 column bashed Catholic bishops for allegedly playing both sides of the fence on health care reform, claiming that this "has proven that the Catholic Church is exercising far too much influence over the national affairs of the United States." As we've detailed, Kincaid has frequently bashed Catholics (despite claiming to be a Catholic himself) while getting a free pass from normally Catholic-sensitive ConWeb outlets.

Kincaid's March 24 column indulges in another recent obsession of his -- that the FBI somehow framed Bruce Ivins as the perpetrator of the 2001 anthrax attacks and that the real perpetrators were Al-Qaeda. A March 26 column by Kenneth J. Dillon trods much the same ground.

Kincaid's March 29 column finds him back in Reefer Madness mode, this time complaining: "The conservative website, owned by the Salem Communications company, a Christian firm, is distributing a column by Steve Chapman claiming that the legalization of marijuana will somehow undermine the power of the Mexican drug trafficking organizations and usher in a new era of peace and tranquility north of the border. The silly column more appropriately belongs on a website associated with George Soros, the moneybags behind the drug legalization movement."

Hey, at least this keeps Kincaid from lying about the Uganda anti-gay law.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:05 AM EDT

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