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Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The State of 'Media Research' At NewsBusters
Topic: NewsBusters

What passes for "media research" at NewsBusters these days:

-- Anthony Kang uncritically regurgitating an attack on President Obama by Mark Levin.

-- Noel Sheppard bashing the New York Times' Frank Rich for criticizing the tea party movement without really contradicting anything he wrote.

-- Tom Blumer purporting to claim that he "emphatically does not approve of" a prank call made to MSNBC by someone pretending to be Team USA hockey goalie Ryan Miller, then approving of it anyway because it "did the nation two small favors:"

First, he embarrassed a network that seems incapable of being embarrassed by much of what its hosts and guests say on a daily basis.

Second, he kept Chris Matthews off the air for a precious few minutes, as Geist interrupted "Hardball" to conduct a brief make-up interview with the real Ryan Miller.

Behold, "media research."

Posted by Terry K. at 10:40 AM EST

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