Topic: Newsmax
John L. Perry's Newsmax column advocating a military coup against Obama was merely the latest and most extreme example of Perry's hatred of the president.
Perry has long bashed Obama, beginning after Obama's 2004 speech to the Democratic National Convention. Perry wrote:
Think, also, what license the dyslexic rent-a-crowd poster-scribblers will have with Barack Obama's moniker. Seemingly endless permutations off the letters spelling Obama are good for many a quality-time family-values game of "Anagrams."
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Already you can hear rappers ranting out best-seller CDs without once repeating themselves:
"Obama, Boama, Amabo, Maboa.
"Oamba, Bamoa, Abamo, Maoba.
"Oabam, Baoma, Amoba, Moaba.
"Obaam, Bamao, Aobma, Mboaa.
"Obmaa, Bomaa, Aobam, Maaob."
Captures the very heart and soul of America, doesn't it?.
Everybody Sing Now
"We're Barack Obama bound!
"There'll be no heebie-jeebies hanging 'round.
"All aboard Barack's Express!"
When the 2008 election rolled around, Perry was ready to attack again:
-- Oct. 13, 2008, columnWill an Obama victory be the dawning of the socialist revolution in America the far left has been panting for and working so hard all these years to bring about?
How soon will the masscomm egomaniacs fall out of love with this new administration? (And they will. They always do. The only thing they are truly in love with is themselves.) How will blacks respond to that?
It’s not a very pretty prospect any way you look at it. The world is about to see whether Americans are ready yet for self-government.
If elected president of the United States, Obama would bring his extensive management inexperience directly into the White House with him on his very first day in the Oval Office, the command post of the world’s most-powerful executive.
Talk about on-the-job training!
And speaking of talk, what has Barack Obama ever run — except his mouth?
-- Oct. 20, 2008, column
The time for liberals to save their own political skins is now, before Nov. 4. They have an honorable, patriotic duty to stand up and say to America, “Stop right here! We want off this bus before it goes over the cliff. We were wrong about this Obama fellow. The evidence is now pouring in that he is not what he led us to believe. He is no liberal. He is a far-left radical and a mortal danger to this republic. Don’t give him your vote. He’s not getting mine.”
Will any of the leadership liberals do that? Do pigs fly? Do bears go in the middle of Times Square?
They’ve never tried.
If liberal Democrats fail to put country above party on Nov. 4 and if Obama wins, they can kiss their Democratic Party goodbye. They will deserve the political hell-fires they have stoked for themselves.
-- Oct. 30, 2008, column
Like the Yorkshireman, Barack Obama burst upon the scene from obscure lineage — his emanating in disparate continents, Africa and North America.
Arms extended, Obama still circles the arena. Cheers continue, but slacken. His ill-timed effort to spread his wings across Europe, so congenial in leftist venues he courted, turned into a trans-substantial continental flop.
High-flying oratory proved utterly inefficacious in winning any major foreign-policy result he set himself to bring home in triumph. Obama’s personal diplomacy never took off.
-- April 13 column
Insightful, delightful humorist James Thurber once wrote, “You can fool too many of the people too much of the time.” Are you listening, Barack Obama?
The new president purports to be in affinity with Abraham Lincoln, who made a lot of sense a lot of the time, including one time when he said, “You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.”
Using Lincoln’s maxim as his caliper, Obama has built a career slipping through a lot of the time with as much … well, call it foolery … as he could get away with at any given time.
Thurber’s humor was delicious, none of it built around narcissistic self-aggrandizement. What he had to say, what he wrote, what he drew in his near-blindness with a lump of charcoal was of lasting enrichment and enchantment.
On the other hand, Obama’s teleprompted words, before which his leftist adulators in the media fawn and grovel so, are blowing in the wind.
Absolutely, you can fool too many of the people too much of the time.
Time is not with Barack Obama. Even for him, there’s a limit of available fools.
-- May 18 column
Now that he’s president, Barack Obama has new clothes, even if they don’t always fit. What he still lacks is class. Tailors can’t fix that.
Before, during, and since the president’s elevation to his stratospheric altitude in the vault of the heavens, he has been adorned in an unprecedented array of resplendent raiments of praise befitting his One-ness.
Under those conditions, how, if the president has no class, is his populace to know what he’s doing that is classless? It’s a bit like Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s celebrated dictum non-defining hard-core pornography: “I know it when I see it.”
So, the answer is that if the president’s classlessness is observed, it must be without comment about:
- The way he walks, the way he talks, the way he looks down his nose.
- The way he hasn’t learned to tie a four-in-hand necktie like the men do.
- The way he smirks in public gatherings at crude, inappropriate humor.
- The way he sulks or huffs like a spoiled child when disputed or denied.
- The haughty way he fakes erudition off his teleprompter screens and proffers profundities on subjects in which he lacks credentials.
- The way he says, “as I’ve said before,” when he hasn’t.
- The way he jumps down, spins around, picks a new position when the one he holds drifts downstream toward the unpopular.
- The way he tries to straddle two horses racing in diverging directions.
- The way he concocts ever-shifting lexicons for marketing distasteful policies when public perceptions catch up with reality.
- The way he can’t seem to avoid the first-person singular with almost every breath.
- The way he behaves not only as if it’s all about him but also as if he’s all about all that is.
The poor fellow is classlessly infatuated with his reflection in the gazing pool of media adulation. Narcissism was never remotely emblematic of a class act.
-- June 29 column
Even to allow Obama’s socialist programs a mere toe in the water could prove to be too late. These programs are like flypaper or unspeakable social disease. The elevator to the hell of a Marxist society goes in only one direction – ever higher into costs taken from appropriations of individuals’ earned incomes.
It won’t be enough for Republicans just to be “the party of no” and stop there. They will also have to propose national alternatives that begin all over again where Barack Obama first seduced America into his leftward-spiraling, all-consuming maelstrom of latter-day Marxism.
If they fail, this nation will be down on its hands and knees for decades, scouring floors in an Augean stable where no one-time sluice will suffice to eradicate the bacilli of socialism from forever attempting a comeback.
-- July 27 column
Perry seems to be turning into the new Norman Liebmann, the former Newsmax columnist known at the time for his hateful smears of the Clintons and others he didn't like (such as Arabs).Liebmann quit Newsmax in 2004 after it allegedly refused to publish a virulent anti-gay rant of his. These days, Liebmann is mostly confined to his own website, where he's being just as hateful toward Obama.
Is that what's in Perry's future?