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Monday, July 20, 2009
ConWebWatch Scoops WND on Bogus eBay Certificate
Topic: WorldNetDaily

A July 19 WorldNetDaily article by Drew Zahn appears to concede that a purported Barack Obama birth certificate being sold on eBay doesn't exist and that the seller has a "lengthy criminal record."

Gee, we reported that two weeks ago.

Zahn claims his conclusions are the result of a WND "investigation," but we have to question how much work WND actually did. After all, we got our information from a blogger at Barackryphal, who did much of the legwork on the seller's background. Yet Zahn doesn't credit Barackryphal, even though his article is accompanied by a photo that also appeared on Barackryphal.

This may be as close as we'll ever get to an explicit apology from WND for reporting bogus claims before fully investigating their veracity. Yet even that would be a change in policy for WND, which tends not to correct or apologize for reporting bogus claims involving Obama -- see Larry Sinclair and African Press International.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:29 AM EDT

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