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Sunday, May 24, 2009
WND's Washington Melodramatically Quits GOP
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Ellis Washington declares in his May 23 WorldNetDaily column: "From this point forward I will no longer refer to myself as a Republican."

Needless to say, Washington makes this announcement in as melodramatic a fashion as he can conjure up, beginning with quotes from both Jesus and Judas and paraphrasing Ronald Reagan. Oh, and he's once again smearing the president of the United States by the end of the second paragraph, claiming he became a conservative at the same time "a young Barack Obama had that same year also matriculated to Harvard, being formerly educated by such communist and socialist luminaries as Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinsky and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright in the fundamental rudiments of nation annihilation."

Soon, Washington is also referencing "My ideological mentor and conservative intellectual Michael Savage" and is likening Ronald Reagan to Jesus -- just as "seemingly every Republican mimicked the words of Reagan, but virtually none of them followed his words or consistently defended his policies and political ideology," Jesus "likewise castigated the corrupt, phony religious and civic leaders of his day." He even adds: "Like Jesus, so it was with Reagan."

Then it's time for more Obama smears, and he manages to find yet another despicable historical character to which he likens Obama:

Enter Judas the traitor, Judas the opportunist, Judas the craven, careerist politician that would sell his own grandmother's wig if it would give him a two-point spike in the polls.

Since Bush 41 succeeded Reagan in January 1989 these 20 years have more or less been the Golden Age of the Judas in the GOP and RNC politics, which is why Americans have elected that greatest Judas in modern politics, B. Hussein Obama, who at the time of this writing has nationalized Wall Street, private corporations, banks, the home mortgage industry, plans to nationalize health care and will soon become the de facto CEO of Chrysler and GM (General Motors) which in essence should be renamed "OM" (Obama Motors).

Washington then likens Obama's supporters to "people the communist dictator Vladimir Lenin about 100 years ago derisively called 'useful idiots'" -- never mind that Washington demonstrated his own useful-idiotism just a few paragraphs earlier by likening Reagan to Jesus and prostrating himself before the altar of a hateful bigot.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:10 AM EDT

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