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Sunday, April 8, 2007
Call Him 'Slantie Bob' Unruh
Topic: WorldNetDaily

We're getting the feeling that we may need to name our Slantie Award for biased news coverage in honor of WorldNetDaily's Bob Unruh.

An April 7 WND article by Unruh on an Oregon gay-rights bill quotes only opponents of the bill making claims that Unruh doesn't support with evidence. No proponents of the bill are allowed to respond to them. In fact, he offers no link to the bill itself -- thus giving his readers an opportunity to read the contents for themselves -- even though he links to the websites of the anti-gay groups he quotes.

This is merely the latest article in which he tells only one side of the story, or lets that side tell the other side, a technique that almost guarantees inaccurate and biased information.

As we've noted, Unruh previously had a career with the Associated Press, so he knows this isn't good or fair journalism. At least, he should.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:11 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 6:36 PM EDT

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