Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily is publishing a book on the Terri Schiavo case, written by WND news editor Diana Lynne. A Sept. 7 promo piece quotes WND's Joseph Farah calling the book "the powerful, insightful and definitive story" about the case. Somehow we doubt that, especially the "definitive" part.
Reason #1 to doubt it: The promo piece calls her "Terri Schindler-Schiavo," the name Terri's parents insisted on using and which WND used in much of its coverage.
Reason #2 to doubt it: Lynne and WND have a documented history of heavily biased reporting on the Schiavo case, playing up the allegations of Terri's parents and demonizing Terri's husband, Michael Schiavo, while not giving him a chance to respond to those charges. And WND was so eager to smear Michael Schiavo that it eagerly promoted a bogus story that made him look bad.
Reason #3 to doubt it: Lynne's "whole Terri Schiavo story" was a lot less whole before ConWebWatch insisted on a little fairness.
Lynne might surprise us by offering a balanced account in her book; she did make an attempt at fairness in her WND "whole story" after ConWebWatch's letter. But somehow, sadly, we suspect it will be as distorted and slanted as the rest of WND's Schiavo coverage.
UPDATE: The detailed blurb at the WND Books website seems to confirm those suspicions; it appears that anyone who didn't support Terri's parents in keeping Terri alive will be targeted. Lynne also purports to answer the question, "What would Terri have told us if she could speak?"
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:57 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, September 7, 2005 12:37 PM EDT