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Sunday, May 29, 2005
So Not Over It Dept.
Topic: WorldNetDaily
Among the many things the ConWeb has not gotten over is John Kerry. A May 29 WorldNetDaily article demonstrates it's still OK to bash him. The story's actually about Jane Fonda allegedly hooking up again with ex-hubby Tom Hayden (which sounds like it belongs more on "Entertainment Tonight" than WND), but it dredges up Fonda's and Hayden's anti-Vietnam War past and throws in a gratuitous slam at Kerry:

She told British reporters in 1971 that U.S. atrocities included "applying electrodes to prisoners' genitals, mass rapes, slicing off of body parts, scalping, skinning alive, and leaving 'heat tablets' around which burned the insides of children who ate them."

Maybe she heard that from John Kerry. Or maybe he heard it from her.

The allusion, of course, is to the Winter Soldier hearings, which was partly funded by Fonda and included Kerry as a questioner, and Kerry's subsequent statement about atrocities committted by U.S. soldiers in a 1971 Senate committee hearing. Despite the ConWeb's claims otherwise, and despite what is hinted at in this story, the allegations raised in Winter Soldier have never been discredited as a whole.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:56 PM EDT

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