Praying for Fairness
Topic: WorldNetDaily
Brannon Howse, president and founder of
Worldview Weekend -- which appears to be a series of seminars across the country purportedly teaching attendees how to "Think and Live Like A Christian" -- wrote a liberal-media-bashing
May 28 column for WorldNetDaily. While denouncing Laura Berman, "a liberal Detroit News columnist," for allegedly getting information about him wrong, Howse wrote that Berman noted that "those who lead the National Day of Prayer Campaign also'offer a catchy prayer for the media: 'Pray for journalists to be fair and accurate.''" Howse adds:
I'll join anyone in praying that we have fair and accurate journalists. However, I'm guessing the answer will not likely be a wholesale changing of liberal journalistic hearts but a changing of where people get their information. Ever heard of Fox News? WorldNetDaily? Rush Limbaugh? Michael Reagan? Sean Hannity?
Yes, we have. And we know that if anything, they are even
less "fair and accurate" than those being prayed for. Plug those names into the search engines of
ConWebWatch or
Media Matters for the full details.
Is Howse praying for Fox News, WND, Rush, et al., to be "fair and accurate" as well? Because it's not working.
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:08 AM EDT