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Thursday, March 13, 2014
Gay Derangement Syndrome, WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Why are conservatives back-peddling on slam-dunk issues like freedom of religion? Because we are being challenged on a core question we refuse to directly address.

And here it is: What about homosexual behavior? Good, evil, or neutral?

The answer is that homosexuality is always wrong. Objective reasoning shows us that skin color is unchangeable and that racial discrimination is unjust. We can in the same way objectively reason that same-sex “marriage” is indefensible because homosexual conduct itself is disordered for human beings.


It’s time to pull the curtain on this wizard, folks. Homosexuality itself is wrong.

The constructed identity of being “gay” is harmful and should not be considered a worthy defense in light of reality. The evidence clearly points to the truth that everyone is intrinsically a heterosexual.

We need to have the guts to stand up and say so. Our defense should not be because we Christians just hope to somehow preserve narrow rights over here in our holy huddle.

It’s because homosexuality is unnatural and unnecessary, and the harm its advocacy is doing to our culture is apparent to anyone with half a brain, even atheists. Confusion abounds only because we won’t state the obvious.

And this doesn’t even begin to cover the lunacy of “transgendered” behavior.

-- Linda Harvey, March 7 WND column

Another disturbing contemporary lie is that most states ban gay marriage.

We hear the words, or hear that a judge “lifted a ban on gay marriage,” and we assume there are laws all across the land banning gay marriage.

This is far from the truth.

Ask yourself, when was the last time you saw a gay couple in handcuffs hauled to the pokey for violating that “ban”?

The lie of a “gay marriage ban” has been told so often that it has become an axiomatic truth. The truth is very far from that lie.

Most states have laws banning polygamy, or marriage under a certain age, or even bans on people marrying animals. But few, if any states, make it a crime for two people of the same gender to engage in a ceremony in a church.

What proponents are calling “state bans on gay marriage” are actually various forms of refusal of states to convey state recognition to gay marriages.

-- Gina Loudon, March 9 WND column

There is no human right to sodomy to be found in nearly 4,000 years of human-rights jurisprudence. It is an invention of Cultural Marxists in the late 20th century and rests on their dangerous premise that the state, not God, grants us our rights. In fact, the “right” to sodomy is really an anti-right, because it can only be granted at the expense of the true human rights of religious freedom and family values. Thus, the first principle of the Magna Carta stood unbreakable in Britain for almost 800 years until the recent introduction of “sexual orientation regulations” (SORs), and the first principle of the First Amendment stood for over 200 years until SORs were passed here in the United States.

Today, both the Magna Carta and the First Amendment are deemed to be trumped by the “right to sodomy” in case after case, and pro-homosexual activist federal judges in the U.S. are striking down “Defense of Marriage” laws in the most morally conservative states in the union with brazen disregard for the Constitution and the will of the people.

-- Scott Lively, March 10 WND column

Non-left politicians who should be counted on to do the right thing will cave on almost any issue under that kind of fire.

That’s what happened when Jan Brewer capitulated on the freedom of religion bill known as Senate Bill 1062, which offered clear protection for people who do not want to be coerced into actions or behavior that violates their moral and religious precepts.

If you doubt what I am saying, please take the time to read the bill. It will take you two minutes or less. It’s simple, straightforward and you may be shocked to learn that it never mentions homosexuality, same-sex marriage or any kind of discrimination against individuals or groups or people.


Jan Brewer surrendered to the lies, the insults and the deliberate distortions.

She should resign in disgrace.

-- Joseph Farah, March 11 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 9:57 AM EDT

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