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Sunday, March 9, 2014
WND's Farah: Why Can't Hillary Be More Like Putin?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The latest WNDer to to hop on the pro-Putin bandwagon is the boss himself, Joseph Farah, and he believes Putin is setting a fine example for Hillary to follow:

What else did she say about Putin?

She said, disparagingly, that he “believes his mission is to restore Russian greatness. When he looks at Ukraine, he sees a place that he believes is by its very nature part of Mother Russia.”

Is he wrong about that?

They were once united as one country. They do share much of their history. In fact, Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, is often referred to as the mother of Russian cities and the cradle of Rus civilization.

And is it wrong for a leader of a modern state to seek to restore greatness to his own country?

This might seem like an obtuse idea to Hillary, but what’s wrong with that objective?

Wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing if Hillary’s party took such an attitude toward their own country?

So according to Farah, Putin is just a patriotic Russian whose patriotism should be an inspiration to Americans. No wonder nobody believes WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:49 AM EST

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