WorldNetDaily's 'Real Reporter' GambitWND tries to bolster its roster of right-wing hacks with a couple Washington Times refugees with something approaching actual journalism credentials. Turns out they're prone to right-wing hackery too.By Terry Krepel ![]() Cheryl ChumleyIn 2014 alone, WND had several Slantie Award nominees, including trying to re-litigate Todd Akin's controversial "legitimate rape" gaffe as part of promoting his new WND-published book, promoting questionable medical advice from the far-right-fringe Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, promoting Cliven Bundy and an embarrassing miscue from Aaron Klein in which he attacked the wrong Loretta Lynch. It seemed that around that time, WND decided it was time for some new reportorial blood. WND's chief news writers at the time were Klein (a sympathizer of right-wing extremists in Israel who would flee in late 2015 to Breitbart, which apparently did no investigation of his journalistic record before hiring him), Jerome Corsi -- who's best known for his birtherism and outright fabrications about Obama -- and Bob Unruh, a dedicated propagandist who has forsaken his journalistic training and usually can't be bothered to tell any side of a story that conflicts with WND's right-wing agenda. In March 2015, WND announced via tweet that Cheryl Chumley had joined "the WND Editorial Team." Chumley had been kicking around right-wing media for years, most recently at the Washington Times; apparently the Moonie Times was too credible for Chumley to be associated with. WND had published Chumley's book "Police State USA" the previous year, so she already had a relationship with WND.(Her latest WND-published book comes out later this month; as the title "The Devil in DC: Winning Back the Country from the Beast in Washington" suggests, she's effectively equating anything that deviates from right-wing orthodoxy -- i.e. welfare, gay marriage and immigration -- as satanic.) Chumley's record of deceptive and misleading reporting, however, made her fit right in all too well at WND:
WND wasn't done raiding the Washington Times for talent (if you could call it that). Later in the year, former Times reporter Douglas Ernst jumped to WND. In addition to the journalistic credentials, he also has right-wing cred as well, having previously worked in the Heritage Foundation's Young Leaders Program, which aims to "train, equip, and develop tomorrow’s young conservative leaders." So, more right-wing activist than journalist, though more journalist than WND has usually hired. While Chumley and Ernst have mostly stuck to rewriting news items from other outlets -- which is a slight improvement from the wholesale theft WND usually engages in (which it insists is merely "fair use") -- they have also regressed to the WND norm. Jade Helm conspiracy promoterWND was all about fearmongering about the U.S. military's Jade Helm 15 exercise last year -- columnist Chuck Norris suggested that Jade Helm had a nefarious purpose by people "pulling the strings" in Washington and argued that the government was "stoking the fire" by conducting it (a claim he later walked back lest he appear too crazy), and reporter Leo Hohmann even listed its among the "potentially prophetic events" heralding the WND-promoted (and rather dubious) Shemitah prophecy as promoted by WND friend Jonathan Cahn. The leader of the fearmongering brigade at WND, though, was Chumley. She promoted the conspiracy theory that the closing of some Walmart stores in the states where the exercise took place was a part of a Jade Helm conspiracy, and she ran to the defense of disgraced pastor Jim Bakker after his promotion of Jade Helm conspiracy theories earned him some media derision. She also fretted that "several in the press" were taking "pot-shots" at Jade Helm conspiracy-mongers who are in reality just "government watchdogs who expressed concerns at its secrecy." And a June 8 article by Paul Bremmer quoted Chumley -- described only as an "author and reporter" and bizarrely failing to note the fact the place where she's a reporter is WND -- declaring that the residents of the states where the exercise was being held were "the test subjects for these special operations soldiers" and the the citizens themselves were "guinea pigs." Chumley went on to raise more suspicions: “So if they’re training on civilian grounds, in communities in seven different states, then you have to wonder, what are they training for?”
That's how it went at WND too. In the two months after it was announced that Jade Helm had ended, Chumley has written more than 400 bylined articles at WND. Near as we can tell, not one of them was about how the actual exercise failed to live up to the conspiracy theories she and WND promoted about it. But that hasn't discouraged Chumley from conspiracy-mongering one bit. She has been a leader at WND in pushing the discredited idea that conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died from other than natural causes. So committed is Chumley to this conspiracy that she promoted it outside of WND; she declared in an opinion piece published on right-wing sites The Blaze (operated by Glenn Beck), News With Views and People's Pundit Daily that "it the fact that so many questions have gone unanswered, and that those in position to answer those questions are shrugging their shoulders a la “Questions? What questions?” is suspicious in and of itself." Carrying WND's ideological water (and failing)Both Chumley and Ernst have gotten burned while trying to peddle stories that forward WND's right-wing ideology. Chumley wrote in a Nov. 24 article: A man who was used by American leftists as an example of righteous outrage over the U.S. government’s no-fly lists and the supposed biased targeting of innocent Muslims has been arrested and jailed by Turkish authorities who say he’s tied to ISIS. Turns out those accusations against Long aren't true at all. ![]() Douglas ErnstMeanwhile, Chumley's article remains at WND false and uncorrected -- typical behavior for WND, which generally allows falsehoods to remain uncorrected unless a lawsuit or threat of a lawsuit is involved. Meanwhile, Ernst was using a Nov. 11 WND article to proclaim that the reports of racial tension at the University of Missouri were all based on "unsubstantiated rumors": The world now knows why University of Missouri activists needed “muscle” to remove inquisitive reporters from their “safe space” on Monday: Their leaders love to run with unsubstantiated rumors. Contrast that with Ernst's article the next day, in which he pretended he never accused the swastika story of being a hoax: It took media pressure and a Freedom of Information Act request filed with the University of Missouri’s custodian of records, but the infamous “poop-swastika” photo and police report were released late Wednesday. Note Ernst's new framing -- it's suddenly no longer about whether it was a hoax, it's now about whether campus officials adequately responded. At no point does Ernst mention that just the day before he was accusing the swastika story of being an "unsubstantiated rumor." As per WND style, his earlier story proclaiming the purported hoax remains uncorrected; instead, it has added a link to Ernst's later story proving the swastika story as a "related story." |