Topic: WorldNetDaily
In his Jan. 22 WorldNetDaily column, Joseph Farah touts Molotov Mitchell as among the "pro-life voices" his website site promotes.
Of course, if you're gay, Molotov is not so pro-life.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Molotov Mitchell Is 'Pro-Life'?
Topic: WorldNetDaily In his Jan. 22 WorldNetDaily column, Joseph Farah touts Molotov Mitchell as among the "pro-life voices" his website site promotes. Of course, if you're gay, Molotov is not so pro-life.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:02 PM EST
Updated: Friday, January 22, 2010 2:10 PM EST
Democrat Derangement Syndrome Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily
-- Phil Elmore, Jan. 21 WorldNetDaily column (In fact, Franken did not steal the election.)
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:38 AM EST
WND Press-Release Journalism Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily A Jan. 20 WorldNetDaily article rewrites a press release from the Alliance Defense Fund, uncritically repeating as fact ADF's assertion that "a volunteer who was preaching the Gospel on public property" in front of a New Jersey high school was arrested "when his toe inadvertently brushed the grass." How does WND know that the "volunteer's" toe "inadvertently" -- and not deliberately -- touched school property? It doesn't -- that's what the ADF told it to write. WND made no apparent effort to contact school officials for their side of the story. ADF probably instructed WND on that, too.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:37 AM EST
CNS: Shepard 'Allegedly' Killed Because He Was Gay
Topic: a Jan. 21 article by Pete Winn asserts that Matthew Shepard "was allegedly murdered because he was homosexual." Actually, given that one of his killers attempted a gay-panic defense at his murder trial, the fact that Shepard was killed because he was gay is pretty well documented. Any claim to the contrary is right-wing revisionism.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:41 AM EST
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch
Topic: Newsmax
-- Pamela Geller, Jan. 21 Newsmax column Well, Geller does know all about being dirty, sleazy and mean.
Posted by Terry K.
at 6:22 PM EST
WND Ignores Own Reporting Again To Forward Birther's Claim
Topic: WorldNetDaily WorldNetDaily already has a record of ignoring its own reporting on Barack Obama's eligibility to be president in order to peddle more false claims. It does so again in a Jan. 20 article by Bob Unruh. In addition to swallowing the unsupported claim that Obama poses a "security risk," Unruh uncritically promotes a claim by birther Charles Kerchner Jr. and his lawyer, Mario Apuzzo, that because Obama "admitted a dual citizenship at birth, thus making him ineligible for the office under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that the president be a 'natural born citizen.'" Unruh makes no mention of its own reporting on the issue -- specifically an Aug. 10 article by Drew Zahn examining the impact of dual citizenship on the "natural born citizen" claim previously made by Apuzzo:
But as we've noted, Zahn ignored an 1898 Supreme Court ruling, in what is known as the Wong Kim Ark case, declaring that a non-citizen's mere presence in the U.S. is enough to make their child, if born here, a natural-born citizen.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:27 PM EST
Newsmax's Attack on Obama's First Year Filled With Misleading Claims
Topic: Newsmax A Jan. 19 Newsmax article by Jim Meyers purports to be a "Newsmax look back" at Obama's first year in office, which to nobody's surprise "finds far fewer highlights than lowlights." Did anybody think Newsmax would declare Obama's presidency a rousing success? Meyers ticks off a whopping 42 "failures, gaffes, broken promises and other missteps," a number of which are false or misleading. The first bullet point states: "Within days of taking office, Obama broke his pledge not to raise any taxes on those making less than $250,000 a year by imposing a tax hike of 61 cents on a pack of cigarettes." But that's not a tax on lower-income people -- it's a tax on smokers. Anyone can easily avoid the tax by not smoking. But that's not all:
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:18 AM EST
More Leading Poll Questions from WND
Topic: WorldNetDaily In a Jan. 19 article, WorldNetDaily serves up some more leading poll questions from its ethically challenged pollster, Fritz Wenzel:
Of course, the birth certificate released by the Obama campaign -- which even WND editor Joseph Farah concedes is authentic -- more than proves Obama was "born inside the United States," but WND has staked everything on obscuring that fact (as well as bedding down with Orly Taitz).
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:06 AM EST
CNS Still Spreading Lie About Ex-TSA Nomimee
Topic: Matt Cover doubles down in a Jan. 20 article, repeating his previous false assertion that now-withdrawn Transportation Safety Administration nominee Erroll Southers was using "Christian identity" in a generic sense in an online video:
Cover leaves out the part that it got attention because Cover doesn't seem to understand that, as we've detailed, Christian Identity is the name of a specific group, not a generic reference to Christianity. Either Cover actually believes what he's writing, or he's deliberately perpetuating a lie. Given CNS' anti-Obama agenda and the fact that Cover's goal over the past several days has been to attack Southers, we're betting on the latter.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:59 AM EST
Wash. Examiner's Double Standard on Election Fraud
Topic: Washington Examiner In a Jan. 19 Washington Examiner blog post, David Freddoso highlighted Scott Brown's reaction to accusations of voter fraud by Martha Coakley's campaign, highlighting "Sen. John Kerry's 2004 campaign guidebook in Colorado, which called for a 'pre-emptive strike' with accusations of voting irregularities." Freddoso might have a point had his employer not published a pre-emptive strike of its own against Coakley the day before in the form of a column by Douglas MacKinnon headlined "How Coakley will steal the election from Brown." In it, MacKinnon speculated that Coakley would "steal the election from Brown and the people of Massachusetts" and referenced "a Massachusetts Democratic operation that clearly has the skill sets necessary to deprive the voters of an honest and unpoliticized outcome."
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:42 AM EST
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Annals of Unintentional Hilarity in Blogging
Topic: Horowitz From a Jan. 19 NewsReal post by JE Tabler:
Yes, he's referring to the CBN of Pat Robertson and David Brody.
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:04 PM EST
New Article: WorldNetDaily's Favorite Hate Group
Topic: WorldNetDaily WND teams up with MassResistance -- designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center -- to peddle false and misleading claims about Obama administration official Kevin Jennings. Read more >>
Posted by Terry K.
at 3:15 PM EST
Newsmax's Patten Flip-Flops on Election Fraud
Topic: Newsmax It seems like only a day or two ago that Newsmax's David Patten was howling about ballot fraud leading to the Massachusetts Senate election being stolen. Oh, wait -- it was. But now that the only evidence of election fraud in that election is showing up on the Republican side, Patten is singing a different tune. In a Jan. 19 article, Patten notes that "Marc Elias, the controversial attorney whose legal maneuvers helped Democrat Al Franken go from being 700 votes behind to winning his election against incumbent Republican Sen. Norm Coleman, has joined with the Martha Coakley campaign to prepare for a major legal initiative to contest the integrity of the election if necessary." Thus, Patten again suggests that Franken stole the election from Coleman, which is not true. Patten states that "While claims of fraud are routine in tight elections, they usually do not materialize into serious legal contests" -- a statement curiously missing from his previous article on the subject, in which he approvingly quoted NewsBusters' Noel Sheppard falsely claiming the Minnesota election was stolen and that Democrats "very much aware of how to stuff ballot boxes." Why doesn't Patten care about election fraud when Republicans are allegedly committing it?
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:06 PM EST
CNS Falsely Asserts Abortion 'Mandate' in Health Care Bill
Topic: A Jan. 19 article by anti-abortion activist Penny Starr uncritically repeats the false claim that health care reform "would mandate abortion coverage and mandate government funding for abortion." In fact, the Senate version of the abortion bill contains no "mandate" -- in fact, it contains a prohibition on federal funds for abortion in line with the Hyde Amendment, and it segregates funds charged enrollees for abortion coverage from federal funds, which even CNS editor-in-chief Terry Jeffrey has conceded. Having forwarded that false claim, Starr also penned a Jan. 19 column in which she sneers at the EPA for recognizing environmental risks to fetal development but not opposing abortion: "Last time I checked, removing an unborn child limb by limb definitely will cause not only rapid changes in physiology and anatomy, but most certainly that irreversible state called DEATH." Is Starr too biased to report fairly on the subject of abortion? It appears so.
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:59 AM EST
More Catholic-Bashing At WND?
Topic: WorldNetDaily A Jan. 18 WorldNetDaily article shockingly does the right thing by disproving Pat Robertson's claim that Haitians made a deal with the devil a couple hundred years ago that somehow resulted in the recent earthquake, citing "distinguished Haitian Christian minister and scientist" Jean R. Gelin. But then, WND appears to indulge Gelin in a little implicit Catholic-bashing:
How come only the Protestants get credit for bringing the Gospel to Haiti? The Catholics are there too -- indeed, the Catholic cathedral in Port-au-Prince was heavily damaged by the quake. Apparently, only aggressive Protestant evangelists count; Gelin is affiliated with the Church of God, a charismatic evangelical sect. WND does have an anti-Catholic strain to its reporting. Bill Donohue, where are you?
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:16 AM EST
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