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Thursday, August 24, 2006
That Time of the Season
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Just as the arrival of Santa Claus in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade officially kicks off the annual Christmas season, the first WorldNetDaily article regurgitating a press release from a conservative legal organization kicks off the annual "war on Christmas" promotion.

And so, we have an Aug. 24 WND article that is devoted exclusively to to promoting the case being pushed by the Thomas More Legal Center (and, of course encapsulated in a press release), that New York City schools allow the display of "menorahs and star-and-crescent symbols, but not Christian symbols." As is WND's war-on-Christmas policy (which we've extensively detailed), WND does not quote anyone from the NY schools, while it quotes a representative from the Thomas More Law Center and quotes from the center's legal filings, as well as from the ruling of a judge who agrees with them.

And you thought that stores were putting up their Christmas decorations too early...

Posted by Terry K. at 12:40 PM EDT
New Article: WorldNetDaily's Digital Cudgel
Topic: WorldNetDaily
WND's reason for being these days is to relentlessly attack Israel's Ehud Olmert and agitate for his overthrow, but WND won't call for a similar removal of President Bush despite a similar list of offenses. Meanwhile, Aaron Klein's Olmert-bashing continues. Read more.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:14 AM EDT
The MRC vs. Bookmobiles
Topic: Media Research Center

Time magazine Karen Tumulty clearly struck a nerve at the Media Reserch Center with her article on Hillary Clinton. Why else would there be not one but two denunciations of a throwaway comment?

The offending comment: "Hillary has already figured as Lady Macbeth in enough volumes to fill a bookmobile." The offended parties: Brent Bozell and Tim Graham, who are penning an addition to that bookmobile (as we've noted).

In an Aug. 22 NewsBusters post, Graham sniffed that the comment "exaggerates the number of anti-Clinton tomes by a factor of five or ten," but seemed gratifed that Tumulty mentioned his and Bozell's book.

Bozell, for his part, saw even less humor in the remark than Graham did; in his Aug. 23 column devoted to denouncing Tumulty's article, he wrote of the "bookmobile" comment: "That's just servile exaggeration, just as there isn't a bookmobile of George W. Bush-bashing books." He seemed less pleased that Tumulty mentioned his book; at least, it didn't keep him from spending an entire column on the article.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:54 AM EDT
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Internet Hosting Companies = Media Outlets?
Topic: NewsBusters

In an Aug. 23 NewsBusters post, Dan Riehl attacks Internet hosting companies with Democratic ties who have declined to host the website for Sen. Joe Lieberman's independent campaign as engaging in the "fascist tactic of denying someone an ability to be heard via the Internet" (does that mean if we ask the MRC to host this website and they refuse, we can call Brent Bozell a fascist?), but the post is headlined, "Dem Media Outlets Shut Out Lieberman for Lamont." Since when are hosting companies "media outlets"?

Sheesh. How many posts have we written about Riehl in the past week or so? He's new there, but already he's bucking to join NewsBusters A-list of misinformation-pushing and stupid-statement-making posters, alongside Mark Finkelstein and Noel Sheppard.

Posted by Terry K. at 4:50 PM EDT
Klein Fails to Admit Earlier False Claim on Fox Kidnapping
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Remember when WorldNetDaily's Aaron Klein reported that the kidnappers of Fox News employees Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig were "independent Palestinian gunmen" affiliated with the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades? Never mind!

Klein hews closer to actual facts in an Aug. 22 article, reporting that "an unknown Palestinian terror organization" called the Holy Jihad Battalion has taken responsibility for kidnapping Centanni and Wiig. Klein fails to reference his earlier, erroneous claim, which he attributed to "leaders of the Al Aqsa Martys Brigades terror group." Well, shoot, if you can't trust a terrorist to tell you the truth, who can you trust?

Nevertheless, Klein continues to trust terrorists in his new article, authoritatively citing "the leader of a terror group that claims it represents the interests of al-Qaida" as making claims about why Centanni and Wiig were kidnapped, though Klein does not directly link this group to the kidnapping.

Klein further claims that "Analysts are speculating the group is a front for al-Qaida," though he quotes no analysts actually doing so. As we've noted, Klein relies heavily on anonymous and unsubstantiated claims, usually in the service of attacking Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert.

(UPDATE: Speaking of which, here's today's anti-Olmert article from Klein.)

Posted by Terry K. at 3:22 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:36 PM EDT
CNS Spins for George Allen

An Aug. 23 article by Susan Jones serves up a heapin' helping of favorable coverage of Republican Sen. George Allen, who sparked controversy by calling a staffer of Indian descent for his Democratic opponent, James Webb, who had been videotaping Allen's public appearances, a "macaca."

First, Jones tried to portray the controversy as over with the lead: "Sometimes controversy has a short shelf-life, and that appears to be the case with Sen. George Allen, the Virginia Republican who's running for re-election." Jones then offered a most charitable explanation for Allen's comment:

Allen was making the point that instead of visiting many parts of Virginia, Webb is simply sending a cameraman to record the competition.

This claim is unattributed -- understandable, since Jones seems to be on her own here in advancing this theory. In fact, Allen himself is on record with a different explanation: that in saying, "Welcome to America and the real world of Virginia," he was simply saying, "Just to the real world. Get outside the Beltway and get to the real world." Allen, as far as we know, has not claimed that the cameraman is Webb's proxy. Further, Jones offers no evidence that Webb has, in fact, refused to appear in "many parts of Virginia."

Having papered over that controversy, Jones went on to portray Webb's campaign as "cash-strapped" and dependent upon "media messengers, such as the Washington Post, which has run repeated stories about what some Allen supporters consider a manufactured controversy."

Jones has certainly done her part to play into that claim. Does that mean she's an "Allen supporter" too?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:51 PM EDT
A Reminder
Topic: NewsBusters

An Aug. 22 NewsBusters post by Dan Riehl takes offense at the idea at the suggestion that the reason the kidnapping of two Fox News employees in Gaza has not gotten the press conservatives think it deserves is because Fox News is generally hostile to the rest of the news media.

Let us take this opportunity to remind Riehl that his fellow NewsBusters are lusting to see footage of ABC's Bob Woodruff getting blown up and NewsBusters readers have asserted that Woodruff deserved to get blown up.

While we don't like to see journalists kidnapped (being former journalists ourselves), right-wingers have generally been so hostile to journalists -- as illustrated above -- that we are perversely amused when they demand sympathy for a conservative-friendly journalist in trouble. Riehl's own blog, Riehl World View, is an example; while Riehl himself appears to have refrained from editorial comment on Woodruff's injuries, the first comment on a Riehl post about the incident reads, "Shame they are taking away the time and attention of the good doctors from the soldiers."

If the alleged lack of coverage of the Fox News kidnappings is based solely on ideology, that's wrong. But Riehl must certainly be aware that if the kidnapping victims worked for, say, CBS instead of Fox News, a significant number of people on his side of the political spectrum -- including commenters at blogs he posts to -- would be rooting for the kidnappers to serve up the Daniel Pearl treatment.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:51 AM EDT
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Quote of the Day
Topic: Newsmax

"I know both individuals personally, Mel and Christ — and my friend Mel is no anti-Semite."

-- Pat Boone, Aug. 22 NewsMax column, in which he "literally and reverentially" asks people to "Lay off of Mel Gibson, for Christ's sake!"

Somewhat less interesting is Boone's Aug. 17 column, in which he attacked the Senate because it "failed – again – to abolish the 'death tax,' the so-called estate tax." Boone mysteriously fails to mention how much money his estate will save after his death from the elimination of the estate tax.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:57 PM EDT
NewsBusters: Time Mentioned Our Book!
Topic: NewsBusters

An Aug. 22 NewsBusters post by Tim Graham seems to forgive a Time profile of Hillary Clinton for the offense of being "sometimes gooey" because it mentions the new anti-Clinton book he and Brent Bozell are writing. (And Graham actually describes his book as "anti-Clinton," refreshingly dispensing with the pretense that it's anything other than a partisan hit job.)

The book, by the way, is titled "Whitewash: How the News Media are Paving Hillary Clinton's Path to the Presidency" and is due out in September 2007. Such a title suggests that one prominent feature of it will be Clay Waters' report on how the New York Times allegedly drools all over Hillary -- which we debunked as being full of dubious and unsupported claims.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:44 PM EDT
WND Buries the Lead on Hitler-Darwin Claim
Topic: WorldNetDaily

An Aug. 22 WorldNetDaily article -- the second WND article to promote an upcoming video issued by evangelical activist D. James Kennedy "linking Darwin to Hitler and the contemporary abortion industry" -- focuses mostly on "attacks" on the video by bloggers. But WND buries the actual news to come out of this: that one person who appears in the video not only doesn't ascribe to that theory, he was inserted without his permission.

The article claims that Francis Collins, director of the Human Genome Project, was "targeted" by bloggers for appearing in the video. The article offers only one link to such criticism, the blog Pharyngula. The article noted that Collins is a "theistic evolutionist" who "explained that he had been interviewed by Coral Ridge [Kennedy's ministry] about his book, and the taping was inserted into the program without his advance knowledge," and quoted Coral Ridge as saying that "Collins' comments weren't sought in an advocacy role" and "is not presented as an advocate of the Darwin-Hitler thesis." But that's buried further down in the article, obscuring the apparent deception of Collins being used in the video without his consent.

The article also notes that "blog criticism attacked him for appearing on the special, then offered a half-hearted apology," but the Pharyngula link the article supplies offers a much more straightforward apology from the blog's PZ Myers than the article suggests: "I apologize to Dr Collins for assuming he was a party to this creationist video, and I hope he sues those frauds."

Interestingly, the article treats the Darwin-Hitler link as incontrovertible fact rather than a provocative, partisan thesis promoted by right-wing Christians. An accompanying photo of a emaciated prisoners at a World War II concentration camp carries the caption: "The results of Darwin's theories."

This video is not the first time that WND has promoted a Darwin-Hitler link. In a March 23 column, WND editor Joseph Farah called evolution "a malodorous, filthy, contemptuous lie from the pit of hell" and cited an article purporting to illustrate "how the genocidal mania of Hitler could only be built on a foundation of evolution." (That may explain why WND is treating the Darwin-Hitler claim as fact.) And a July 1 column by Tom Flannery claimed, "The idea of a superior race eliminating all 'inferiors' on the basis of evolutionary dogma originated not with Hitler, but with Darwin. Not surprisingly, this was an idea also enthusiastically embraced by the racist and eugenicist Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood."

(A follow-up post by Myers notes: "I've been linked to by WorldNetDaily. Hoo-weee, you should see the sewage in my mailbox now.")

Posted by Terry K. at 1:54 PM EDT
Monday, August 21, 2006
CNS Questions Poll That Contradicts Conservative Agenda

An Aug. 21 article by Nathan Burchfiel promotes the concerns raised by "pro-life advocates" who attacked a NARAL Pro-Choice America poll finding that a majority of respondents agree that "we need to keep politicians and government out of women's personal decisions about whether or not to have an abortion." According to the article, the poll is "inconsistent with numerous other surveys indicating that most Americans prefer that abortion be less available," ostensibly because only "registered and likely voters" were polled. This means that the "the poll was unable to gauge the general population's opinion." Burchfiel quoted one person, the National Right to Life Committee's Susan Muskett, as saying, "I think you just need to consider this is a poll that's released by a pro-abortion group."

But just 10 days ago, Burchfiel reported on an immigration-related poll by a "conservative grassroots organization" without noting the group's anti-immigration agenda as a factor that could skew the poll's findings. As we noted, the group's poll did indeed skew toward reinforcing its agenda by using biased language such as "illegal alien" (though Burchfiel included a wonderful disclaimer about the pollster's relationship to the Media Research Center, CNS' parent).

We would ask why a conservative news outlet scrutinizes polls that promote non-conservative views more severely than those that promote conservative views, but it's all pretty self-explanatory, isn't it?

Posted by Terry K. at 6:05 PM EDT
WND vs. The Rest of the World on Kidnapped Journalists
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Shortly after the Aug. 14 kidnapping of Fox News correspondent Steve Centanni and cameraman Olaf Wiig in Gaza, a WorldNetDaily article by Aaron Klein proclaimed:

Sources in the Al Aqsa Brigades told WND "independent Palestinian gunmen" affiliated with their group carried out the kidnapping "completely on their own."

(Meanwhile, radio host Rusty Humphries -- a WND columnist on whose show Klein regularly appears -- takes Klein's assertion even further, declaring that he "believes it is the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade terrorist group which has kidnapped" Centanni and Wiig.)

But that's not the story being reported by folks not working for WND. An Aug. 20 Associated Press article, posted at Fox News, points out that "all the militant groups have denied involvement and no demands have been issued."

Somebody's wrong here -- is it the Associated Press or is it Klein? Well, Klein does have a history of letting his ideology get ahead of the facts and tarring Palestinans and Muslims every chance he can; WND was forced to retract a Klein article linking an Islamic charity to terrorists and accusing it of making a fraudulent appeal for money. That certainly casts a shadow over Klein's reporting.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:50 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, August 21, 2006 4:07 PM EDT
Speaking of Deadly Fantasies ...
Topic: NewsBusters

In an Aug. 21 NewsBusters post, Mark Finkelstein harrumphs over a editorial cartoon depicting Ann Coulter being shot at by airport security after she "absolutely refuses to give up her bottle of hydrogen peroxide":

Let's play one of our favorite games: 'Imagine.' Imagine that a conservative columnist had drawn a cartoon depicting a liberal woman icon as the target of a hail of police and military bullets.

OK, let's do that, Mark. Let's imagine that a conservative icon had lamented that Timothy McVeigh didn't blow up the New York Times building or expressed a desire to poison a Supreme Court justice. Oh, wait -- we don't have to imagine that because Coulter has done both of those things (and more). Coulter's own deadly fantasies -- and the failure of conservatives like Finkelstein to condemn them -- arguably set the stage for others to express similar fantasies about her, something Finkelstein fails to address. 

Finkelstein doesn't expect anyone to condemn this cartoon because of the purported liberal bias of the MSM. But Finkelstein won't condemn Coulter because of his clear bias; if it's OK for Coulter to fantasize about killing people, why is it not OK for others to fantasize about killing Coulter?

Posted by Terry K. at 11:11 AM EDT
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Conservative Stockholm Syndrome?
Topic: NewsBusters

When a conservative wanders off the conservative reservation -- that is, criticizes President Bush -- those still on the reservation must find a way to intellectually divorce themselves from that person's view. Which brings us to Tim Graham's Aug. 20 post regarding Joe Scarborugh's "Is Bush An Idiot?" segment on his MSNBC show last week (or, more specifically, the Washington Post's article on it). Graham comes up with the dumbest excuse ever to discount Scarborough's viewpoint -- Stockholm syndrome:

What [Post writer Peter] Baker does not consider what one might call the Scarborough Syndrome: being a conservative host inside a liberal network -- not to mention a liberal network that has a history of changing prime-time hosts like socks -- might compel you to being more critical of Bush and conservatives.

Graham also suggests that Scarborough's point of view isn't worth listening to because Scarborough "often buried his viewers in tabloid piffle like the unending JonBenet Ramsey case, which isn't exactly honoring the intellect of your viewers."

Perhaps, by serving up such ludicrous claims, it's Graham and the Media Research Center who should be ignored instead of Scarborough. 

Posted by Terry K. at 1:37 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:08 PM EDT
WND Changing Position on Executing Adulterers?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Back in January 2003, WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah penned a column asserting that the estranged husband of Clara Harris, who died when Harris ran him over with her car, "deserved what he got" because he was cheating on her and that Harris "did the right thing" by killing him. A new WND article, though, seems to exhibit some moderation on that position.

An Aug. 19 article by intern Chelsea Schilling reports that "a 34-year-old mother of two young children" in Iran faces execution by stoning "after being found guilty of committing 'adultery.' " It's not clear why "adultery" is in scare quotes here; while Schilling cites critics of Iran's use of strict Sharia law who point out that "adultery" under Sharia describes any intimate (not necessarily sexual) relationship between a married woman and a man to whom she is not married, she also notes that the woman's husband and brother were sentenced to short prison sentences for killing the woman's lover.

But given that back in 2003, Farah was lamenting that "there's no penalty any more for adultery," shouldn't WND be rejoicing that that someone was being put to death for the crime of adultery? Farah also called for a return to the days when "courageous clerics and wise elders practiced excommunication, disfellowshipping and shunning of moral reprobates who didn't put their families first." Is that not what's going on here?

The only difference we see is that Farah presumably would rather that adulterers be killed under Christian justice instead of Islamic justice. That, and perhaps he considers being run over with a car to be a more humane form of execution than stoning.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:15 PM EDT

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