Topic: Media Research Center
Time magazine Karen Tumulty clearly struck a nerve at the Media Reserch Center with her article on Hillary Clinton. Why else would there be not one but two denunciations of a throwaway comment?
The offending comment: "Hillary has already figured as Lady Macbeth in enough volumes to fill a bookmobile." The offended parties: Brent Bozell and Tim Graham, who are penning an addition to that bookmobile (as we've noted).
In an Aug. 22 NewsBusters post, Graham sniffed that the comment "exaggerates the number of anti-Clinton tomes by a factor of five or ten," but seemed gratifed that Tumulty mentioned his and Bozell's book.
Bozell, for his part, saw even less humor in the remark than Graham did; in his Aug. 23 column devoted to denouncing Tumulty's article, he wrote of the "bookmobile" comment: "That's just servile exaggeration, just as there isn't a bookmobile of George W. Bush-bashing books." He seemed less pleased that Tumulty mentioned his book; at least, it didn't keep him from spending an entire column on the article.