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Saturday, November 26, 2005
New Article: Joseph Farah, Terrorist Sympathizer
Topic: WorldNetDaily
Guest author Eric Goodwin asks: Why is WorldNetDaily treating as fact a right-wing group's highly dubious claim that communists want to take over South Africa and kill all the white people, while ignoring the fact that this very same right-wing group was charged with trying to instigate its own takeover of the country? Read more.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:49 AM EST
Thursday, November 24, 2005
The Return of Buckwheat
Topic: Newsmax
NewsMax loves to try and create controversies where none exist. One notorious example is its attempt to paint Dan Rather as a racist for saying of CBS officials who caved to pressure from conservatives in forcing Rather to report on the Gary Condit non-story that they "got the willies, they got the buckwheats."

NewsMax is at it again, demanding in a Nov. 23 article that Illinois Sen. Barack Obama admit his "mistake" in "endorsing and raising campaign funds for notorious one-time Ku Klux Klansman, Sen. Robert Byrd."

NewsMax has a bit of a complex about Byrd, interjecting his 50-year-past Klan membership at every possible opportunity, as ConWebWatch has detailed. Of course, NewsMax gives much gentler treatment who former segregationists who became Republicans, most recently defending Strom Thurmond, who ran for president on a pro-segregationist Dixiecrat ticket, as a better person than Byrd because Thurmond wasn't in the Klan.

Look for NewsMax to drag this irrelevant issue out against Obama at regular intervals in the future.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:34 PM EST
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Sex on the Brain
Topic: WorldNetDaily
More evidence of WorldNetDaily's obsession with teacher-student sex: today's WND poll asks, "What's your opinion on the reported rash of women having sex with students?"

And still no WND mention of the fact that an alleged killer was homeschooled. Last time we check, killing people was more serious offense than illicit sex.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:57 PM EST
Galen vs. Reality
"There was outrage on the floor of the House over the whole thing [the House of Representatives vote to immediately withdraw troops from Iraq] which was, again, characterized as calling Mr. Murtha a coward which I do not believe any Member of Congress did."

-- Rich Galen, Nov. 21 column

"A few minutes ago, I received a call from Colonel Danny Bubp, Ohio representative from the 88th District in the House of Representatives. He asked me to send Congress a message: Stay the course. He also asked me to send Congressman Murtha a message: that cowards cut and run, Marines never do."

-- Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio), on the House floor

Posted by Terry K. at 1:31 PM EST
Poll Numbers
Topic: WorldNetDaily
A Nov. 22 WorldNetDaily article makes an unusually big deal out of the removal of an "unfavorable" poll from Rep. John Murtha's website after it allegedly showed support for views other than Murtha's plan to begin withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. WND implies that the poll is an accurate reflection of public sentiment, but as we've noted previously, opt-in polls like Murtha's are not accurate and are easily manipulated.

While WND cites a Free Republic thread as a source for the poll's results, it doesn't note that another Free Republic thread encouraged Freepers to vote in that poll, thus manipulating and skewing those results.

Of course, WND has its own history of not dealing well with "unfavorable" poll results -- by taking its poll offline for nearly two months, as ConWebWatch has noted.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:52 PM EST
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Another WND Obsession
Topic: WorldNetDaily
On today's WorldNetDaily front page, there are four links to articles about teachers accused of having sex with students. WND regularly notes these cases, presumably to support its case of how evil public schools are and how homeschooling is the only answer (as WND editor Joseph Farah has regularly preached).

But to our knowledge, WND has never reported that David Ludwig, the Pennsylvania teenager accused of shooting and killing his girlfriend's parents then fleeing with her (which may or may not be a kidnapping), was homeschooled.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:53 PM EST
MRC: Disagreeing with Bush = "Left"
Topic: Media Research Center
A Nov. 22 MRC CyberAlert item cites a poll by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press to claim that "[t]he news media elite are to the left of the public in several policy areas related to the war on terrorism." But that claim plays on conservative stereotypes of liberals and never states how disagreeing with the Bush administration on Iraq on "several policy areas related to the war on terrorism" -- which is what this is about -- equals being "left."

Some statistics as cited by the MRC:

-- "Efforts to establish a stable democracy:" Will succeed: Public 56% Media: 33%; Will fail: Public: 37% News media: 63%

-- "Decision to take military action" Public: "right decision" 48%, "wrong decision" 45% News media: "right decision" 28%, "wrong decision" 71%

-- "Iraq's impact on war on terrorism" Public: "helped" 44%, "hurt" 44% News media: "helped" 22%, "hurt" 68%

-- "Is torture of terrorist suspects justified?" Combining "often" and "sometimes," vs. "rarely" and "never"

Public: 46% yes, 49% no News media: 21% yes, 78% no

MRC offers no explanation of why disagreeing with these statements is a "left" position. After all, for example, there are thousands of years of history backing up the difficulty of establishing a stable democracy in the Middle East. But does the MRC really want people to think that torturing suspects with impunity is a "right" position?

Posted by Terry K. at 4:04 PM EST
Trusting Commies
Topic: Media Research Center
In a Nov. 22 NewsBusters post, Tim Graham aims to "balance" praise for the retiring Ted Koppel by pointing out alleged examples of his "serious (sometimes atrocious) liberal bias. One of the most recent: going to Vietnam to interview communists to prove John Kerry was right about his war record."

Graham might want to have a chat with his colleague Noel Sheppard, who is much more trusting of commies and believes that they are fair and balanced reporters (as long as they say nice things about President Bush, anyway).

Posted by Terry K. at 11:47 AM EST
Quote of the Day
A Nov. 22 article on conservatives believe that Roe v. Wade should be overturned (actually, reporter Randy Hall portrays their argument as dismissing "the concept that the Roe v. Wade decision is a 'super-duper precedent' that should not be re-examined even if Judge Samuel Alito sits on the U.S. Supreme Court," but you get the idea) quotes Manuel Miranda, the ex-Republican Senate staffer accused of improperly leaking Democratic memos on judicial nominations to conservative organizations such as CNS, discussing Alito's 1985 statement that the Constitution does not protect the right to an abortion:

"I view the 1985 statement and how he's handling it a little bit like I view my marriage," Miranda added. "I learned when I got married that my personal views really don't matter much. That's how a judge approaches a decision as well. His personal views don't matter much."

Posted by Terry K. at 11:32 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 11:48 AM EST
Monday, November 21, 2005
MRC Prefers Propaganda
Topic: Media Research Center
In a Nov. 21 NewsBusters post, contributing editor Noel Sheppard noted that unlike the U.S. media, which gave President Bush "low marks and mixed reviews regarding his just ended trip to China," the "Chinese media were much more positive about Bush's trip." But the Chinese news sources he cites as issuing those glowing reports -- People's Daily, China Daily and -- are all state-owned media outlets, who presumably aren't reporting anything their government overseers don't want reported.

Is that the kind of media Sheppard and his MRC buddies secretly (or maybe not so secretly) want in the U.S.?

UPDATE: As if the post itself wasn't entertaining enough, the discussion thread on it has degenerated into attacks on the Clenis. Sample post:

Which is stupider? A President who can't open a locked door or a President with a cock so LITTLE that he has to pleasure a fat girl ( and we all know they can't even take a proper cock), with a cigar. How about a President with a little liberal dicK? To quote Jennifer Flowers, about five inches is all he's got!

Posted by Terry K. at 3:54 PM EST
Updated: Monday, November 21, 2005 4:07 PM EST
'Extreme Leftist'
Topic: WorldNetDaily
A Nov. 21 WorldNetDaily article by Aaron Klein describes Israeli politican Yossi Beilin as "an extreme leftist lawmaker." Not knowing much about Israel -- our experience is pretty much limited to ConWebWatch's exploration of Klein's whitewashing of Israeli right-wing militants in his WND reporting -- we wondered why Klein would use such a pejorative term to describe Beilin.

Looking in WND's archive, we that that in a May 26 article, Klein described Beilin's political party, Yahad, as "extreme left," and in a July 2004 article, he called Beilin "discredited."

The answer may lie in Klein's accompanying description of Beilin as "an architect of the 1993 Oslo Accords." It's apparently part of the loyalty test WND gives anyone writing about the Middle East that the Oslo accords must be rejected. A July 2001 WND commentary by Joshua Hasten bashed Oslo as the product of a "liberal Jewish think tank" and claimed that those who pushed those accords such as Beilin are "guilty of treason against the Jewish State. ... Israel should hand out jail terms to these individuals just as if they were found guilty of jeopardizing national security through espionage."

Despite Klein's labeling of Beilin and Yahad as "extremist," neither he or any party member have advocated the death of opponents that we could find, let alone performed the act. By contrast, the right-wing Kach-Kahane movement and its successors have been linked to such incidents as the killing of 29 Arabs by Baruch Goldstein in 1994 -- but Klein has never used the word "extreme" to describe them. The closest he comes is in a Aug. 4 article on an incident in which an AWOL Israeli soldier opened fire on a bus, killing four Arabs, in which he described Kahane-Kach as "activist." (This was the incident in which Klein infamously described the soldier as being "murdered" by a mob following the shootings, a description he does apply to the shooter's victims.)

Posted by Terry K. at 12:28 PM EST
Sunday, November 20, 2005
NewsMax Continues Murtha Lie
Topic: Newsmax
In a Nov. 20 article, NewsMax once again insisted that Rep. John Murtha called "for an immediate pullout" from Iraq. He didn't, of course; as we've noted, Murtha suggested a pullout "at the earliest practicable date."

Unlike NewsMax's previous article on the vote for an immediate pullout, the Nov. 20 article does note that the actual resolution the House of Representatives voted on was authored by Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter, not Murtha.

NewsMax also got defensive about claims that the Rrepublican-engineered vote was a political stunt, quoting a congressman as saying that "the move wasn't designed as a political stunt, as frustrated reporters tried to pretend on Saturday." NewsMax, of course, had a much different view of the Nov. 1 move by Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid to pull the Senate into closed session to discuss an investigation of whether the Bush administration misled the country into the Iraq war:

-- In a Nov. 2 article on the session, NewsMax put the word "stunt" into the headline.

-- A Nov. 8 article by Jason Barnes called it a "political stunt."

-- In a Nov. 3 column, Barry Farber noted "Senator Harry Reid's motion to have a secret stunt-session of the Senate."

Posted by Terry K. at 8:43 PM EST
Harry-Bashing Is Back
Topic: WorldNetDaily
After taking a year-long breather from bashing Harry Potter at every major release of a book or movie (during which a book and a movie were released), WorldNetDaily is back in the Potter-denouncing business.

On Oct. 30, WND Joseph Farah had as a guest on his radio show Steve Wohlberg, author of "Hour of the Witch: Harry Potter, Wicca Witchcraft and the Bible." In the book, Wohlberg purports to show "how an overwhelming fascination with the “fictional” Potter is leading to a huge increase in the real-life practice of Wicca Witchcraft (one of America’s fastest growing religions, as reported by National Public Radio)."

And in a Nov. 18 review of the new Harry Potter movie, professional prude Ted Baehr -- operator of Movieguide, which "reviews" movies through a fundamentalist Christian lens -- unsurprisingly gave it thumbs down:

As usual, however, both the book and the movie promote an abhorrent, evil, occult worldview that is dangerous to both children and adults. In fact, the occult worldview in this movie may be worse, because, at a high point in the first act, the hero exclaims, "I love magic!"

On the other hand, the lying and deceit of the children protagonists are not as strong as the first three movies.


Although it may be argued that the Harry Potter books and movies are just fantasy stories having nothing to do with reality, they still entice impressionable young children, teenagers and even adults with an elitist worldview full of occultism and paganism.

Baehr is much more excited about the new Chronicles of Narnia movie, "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," which he proclaimed in a Nov. 15 WND review as "a great tool for the church to help people understand the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Posted by Terry K. at 11:40 AM EST
Saturday, November 19, 2005
WND Repeats Lies About Itself
Topic: WorldNetDaily
A Nov. 19 WorldNetDaily article yet again claims that WND is "ranked No. 1 in the category of 'News and Media'" at when, in fact, that ranking is in the Society > Politics > Conservatism > News and Media category.

In addition to rehashing other dubious claims about WND's ranking on Alexa and -- which, as we've noted, are counting systems based on browser toolbars and link exchanges and are not necessarily reflective of actual traffic counts -- the article also includes the following:

When WND got started in 1997, the big three Internet services were AOL, Compuserve and Prodigy," said Joseph Farah, the founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. "Today, WND is bigger than both Prodigy and Compuserve and closing in on AOL."

But this is an irrelevant comparison. The primary business of AOL, CompuServe and Prodigy is providing Internet connections -- a business WND is not in.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:32 PM EST
NewsMax Spreads Falsehood on Iraq Vote
Topic: Newsmax
In a Nov. 19 article, NewsMax gets a basic fact wrong in order to put a pro-Republican slant on a Nov. 18 House of Representatives vote on an immediate U.S. pullout from Iraq.

After bashing "over-hyped media coverage of Democratic Rep. John Murtha's call for a U.S. pullout," NewsMax called the vote as being on "Murtha's pullout proposal." This is false. The resolution that was voted on was not introduced by Murtha but by a Republican, Rep. Duncan Hunter. Unlike Hunter's proposal, Murtha never called for an "immediate" pullout of troops; he called for a withdrawal "at the earliest practicable date." Indeed, as the Washington Post reported, Murtha said that Hunter's proposal is Hunter's resolution "is not what I envisioned" because it avoids a broader debate of the war, which "is not going as advertised."

WorldNetDaily, meanwhile, did get this fact correct in a Nov. 18 article, even noting that "Democrats accused Republicans of changing the meaning of Murtha's proposal."

Posted by Terry K. at 11:09 AM EST

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