Topic: WorldNetDaily
A Nov. 22 WorldNetDaily article makes an unusually big deal out of the removal of an "unfavorable" poll from Rep. John Murtha's website after it allegedly showed support for views other than Murtha's plan to begin withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. WND implies that the poll is an accurate reflection of public sentiment, but as we've noted previously, opt-in polls like Murtha's are not accurate and are easily manipulated.
While WND cites a Free Republic thread as a source for the poll's results, it doesn't note that another Free Republic thread encouraged Freepers to vote in that poll, thus manipulating and skewing those results.
Of course, WND has its own history of not dealing well with "unfavorable" poll results -- by taking its poll offline for nearly two months, as ConWebWatch has noted.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:52 PM EST