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Thursday, July 7, 2005
WND's Sudden Disinterest in Jumping to Conclusions
Topic: WorldNetDaily
A July 7 WorldNetDaily article appears to be offended that anyone would jump to the conclusion that a fire at a Florida abortion clinic would be blamed on anti-abortion activists.

The article's secondary headline reads "Police investigating but pro-lifers immediately suspected." The leader of "a local pro-life group" laments how "abortion protesters undoubtedly will be blamed." Another anti-abortion activist is quoted as insisting that he and his fellow activists are not protesters: "We don't endorse any kind of violence. ... There has never been any type of brouhaha or melee."

Of course, WND had no problems jumping to conclusions when a Coptic Christian family was murdered earlier this year. WND promoted questionable speculation that the family was murdered by Islamic terrorists. WND then abandoned the story when it was revealed that the family was murdered in a robbery, despite the fact that there was plenty more of the story to report; the false accusations inflamed tensions between Christians and Muslims in the neighborhood where the killings took place.

Can we now expect Jack Cashill to pound out a seven-part series for WND on how anti-abortionists are being framed for the blaze?

Posted by Terry K. at 11:42 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, July 7, 2005 1:07 PM EDT
New Article: State of the (Sacramento) Union
Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily tells a biased, incomplete story of the troubles at the revived version of the newspaper its editor used to work for. Read more.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:18 AM EDT
Wednesday, July 6, 2005
WND and Richard Poe: Together Again
Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily serves up self-serving disingenuousness in the service of trying to make a buck with a July 6 article by Richard Poe.

The article is billed as "an eye-opening sneak preview of New York Times best-selling author Richard Poe's revealing book, 'Hillary's Secret War.'" But nowhere is it mentioned that Poe's book was published more than a year ago; it's hard to "preview" something that's been publicly available for quite some time. ConWebWatch noted the book upon its release; read the correspondence between Poe and I regarding it here.

The rest of the article is Poe's self-promotion and conspiracy theorizing about Hillary Clinton, designed to capitalize on Edward Klein's discredited "The Truth About Hillary." So wacky are his assertions that his employer has backed away from them, as the tagline at the end of the article attests:

Richard Poe is the investigative editor of David Horowitz's Center for the Study of Popular Culture, as well as managing editor of Horowitz's group blog Moonbat Central. The views expressed in Poe's book, "Hillary's Secret War," are the author's own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Center for the Study of Popular Culture.

How extreme does your anti-Clinton rhetoric have to be that even David Horowitz doesn't want to associate his organization with it?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:17 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 6, 2005 12:25 PM EDT
ConWeb Balance
A July 5 article by Susan Jones claiming that "Democrats are ready to fight" President Bush's nominee for the Supreme Court "even before they know who they'll be fighting against" makes no mention of the conservative groups who are ready to support Bush's nominee even before they know who they'll be fighting for. (CNS does link to a Washington Post article with the details on conservatives' planned efforts, but that information will not make its way to the CNS archive.)

And a July 6 article by Jones once again plays up the assumption that liberals are motivated only by crass political power. Jones assumes President Bush was referring to when he said "money-raising groups" should not be allowed to dictate the tone and the rhetoric of the upcoming debate over the nominee by prefacing Bush's statement with the phrase "Without mentioning or any other group by name." Again, no mention is made of the money conservatives have announced they plan to spend boosting Bush's nominee.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:00 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 6, 2005 11:30 AM EDT
WND's Double Standard on Erroneous Speculation
Topic: WorldNetDaily
A July 5 WorldNetDaily article states: "Flagged by Islamic groups as a probable hate crime, a burned Quran found at the doorstep of a Virginia mosque turned out to be a case of a Muslim who wasn't sure how to properly dispose of his religion's sacred book."

We're still waiting for WorldNetDaily to give similar treatment to another erroneous-suspicion case. The death of a Coptic Christian family in New Jersey was heavily promoted by WND as the work of Islamic terrorists, but WND abandoned the story when it became clear that the killings were in fact motivated by robbery by two apparent non-Muslims.

WND also printed a July 5 column by Michelle Malkin on the subject; she called the burned-Quran case "a symbol of the knee-jerk penchant among some civil-rights groups and their enablers to cry racism, claim discrimination, and criticize U.S. law enforcement authorities for not doing enough to stop 'hate crimes.'"

But like WND, Malkin also promoted speculation that the Coptic family's death was an anti-Christian hate crime perpetrated by Muslims (here and here). Malkin did eventually apologize for her erroneous speculation. Will WorldNetDaily apologize for doing the exact same thing?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 6, 2005 12:19 AM EDT
Tuesday, July 5, 2005
One Less Brick in the Wall
Topic: WorldNetDaily
Journalistic integrity at WorldNetDaily continues its last throes (as Dick Cheney might say).

A July 5 WND article tells us that "Swiss America Trading Corp. is launching today its "Operation Divest Terror." Nowhere in the article is it noted that Swiss America is a "chief sponsor" of WND chief Joseph Farah's radio show.

On a related note, Craig Smith, head of Swiss America, writes a weekly column for WND. His tagline describes him as an "author, commentator and popular media guest" without noting his connection to Swiss America, let alone Swiss America's business relationship with WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:52 AM EDT
New Article: Off the Hook
Topic: Newsmax
NewsMax follows the ConWeb script and abandons a subject when it stops being of use to its agenda -- but not before breathlessly promoting wild, and possibly false, allegations. Read more.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:14 AM EDT
Monday, July 4, 2005
Press-Release Journalism
Topic: Newsmax
NewsMax overplayed the value of comments by an evangelical minister who took offense that Rev. Billy Graham said something nice about the Clintons.

The June 27 article played up comments by National Clergy Council president Rev. Rob Schenck, who "walked out on Rev. Billy Graham during the second night of his Queens, New York crusade" after Graham "yielded the stage to Bill Clinton and suggested his wife Hillary should be president." NewsMax noted that Schenck "told the Christian Wire Service" his comments.

But the Christian Wire Service is not a "news" service like the Associated Press; it is a distributor of press releases for conservative groups, as its client list attests. Its front page notes: "$65 is what we charge to transmit your 400-words-or-less press release." Schenck's comments originated here in a press release.

It is part of the Christian Communication Service, founded by Gary McCullough, who has worked with Operation Rescue and was a spokesman for the Schindler family and a media adviser to another Schindler family spokesman, fellow Operation Rescue operative Randall Terry, during the Terri Schiavo crisis. A statement on the website describes its mission:

Since 1989, Gary McCullough has worked full-time to see that pro-life and pro-family organizations and individuals are afforded the opportunity for their messages to reach more people through mass media.

NewsMax didn't report comments told to a news organization; it rewrote a press release.

WorldNetDaily, meanwhile, ran an op-ed by Schenck on Graham on July 1, claiming it was an "Exclusive WorldNetDaily Commentary," without noting that it too originated as a press release.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:03 AM EDT
Friday, July 1, 2005
O'Connor Roundup
Topic: The ConWeb
How did the ConWeb initially cover Sandra Day O'Connor's retirement?

WorldNetDaily: Its initial story puts ConWeb balance into play; its look at "activists gearing up for a fierce confirmation battle" quoted four conservatives and one ACLU representative who focused on "individual liberties," not exactly a liberal position. Pounded out eight stories. The stories that focused on liberals' views tended to promote more alarmist statements (featuring "ominous vacancy" in a headline, another headline misleadingly claiming that Sen. Ted Kennedy "Threatens to Oppose Supreme Court Nominee" when that statement is qualified in the story's lead) than those that focused on conservatives' views.

Another story engages in some subtle bias by portraying conservatives as concerned about "sanctity of life, the family and the Ten Commandments" and "the rule of law and the Constitution." Writer Susan Jones then adds "Likewise, liberal groups want a nominee who will protect their interests" and lists comments regarding abortion, gay rights and the environment. A man-on-the-street piece, surprisingly, was not only not conservatively slanted but actually leaned liberal; five people expressing support for a liberal nominee were quoted, compared to three expressing support for a conservative nominee.

NewsMax: Almost all Associated Press wire copy, except for a press release from the Republican National Committee. And, of course, renewed sales plugs for the issue of its magazine on the Supreme Court (one topic: "Why a top constitutional scholar is arguing that Bush should “pack” the Supreme Court").

Posted by Terry K. at 11:06 PM EDT
NewsMax Stops the Theft?
Topic: Newsmax
At last check, NewsMax has removed the sticky-note-type box at the top of its front page.

Could this mean that NewsMax reads ConWebWatch? (Not that it follows any of our other advice.)

Posted by Terry K. at 3:57 PM EDT
Story Count
Topic: WorldNetDaily
Number of original WorldNetDaily articles noting California Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham's opposition to the removal of a large cross on Mount Soledad, near San Diego: 4 (here, here, here and here)

Number of original WorldNetDaily articles noting Cunningham's involvement in which a defense contractor paid an inflated price for Cunningham's house (which the lobbyist later sold at a loss), or that Cunningham's Washington residence is on a yacht owned by the contractor, or that Cunningham improperly sold $595 knives with the congressional seal on them: 0

So much for WND's claim of being "a watchdog exposing government waste, fraud, corruption and abuse of power."

Posted by Terry K. at 3:22 PM EDT
Wall? What Wall? (Part 2)
Topic: WorldNetDaily
Consider the wall between news and advertising at WorldNetDaily, noted as crumbling a few months back, completely obliterated.

A June 30 article headlined "Next big home-based biz opportunity?" is everything that it sounds like it will be -- a plug for "a few good partner-distributors" to operate vending machines. It's presented as any other "news" story, lacking any disclaimer of being an ad it clearly is; in fact, the top of the story calls it a "WorldNetDaily Exclusive," like its other original "news" stories do.

If WND has so few journalistic ethics as to dress up such an obvious ad in the guise of a news story, why should anyone trust anything else that passes for "news" coverage at WND as not being bought and paid for? Are conservative legal groups like Liberty Counsel and the American Center for Law and Justice paying for the fawning recycled-press-release coverage WND gives them? How about Move America Forward? Or Voice of the Martyrs?

If WND is at all interested in salvaging what little journalistic reputation it has left, it must clearly explain to its readers where the line is between news and advertising -- if, indeed, there is one at all.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:39 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, July 1, 2005 10:54 AM EDT
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Today's ConWeb Rewritten Press Release Roundup
Topic: The ConWeb
Today's ConWeb stories that began life as a press release from a conservative legal group:

-- WorldNetDaily, "Student gets F grade for mentioning God." Press release from the American Center for Law and Justice.

--, "Same-Sex Couple Accuses Innkeepers of Discrimination." Press release from Liberty Counsel.

-- WorldNetDaily, "Lesbians target innkeeper over same-sex 'wedding.'" Press release from Liberty Counsel.

Bonus press release-generated article:

--, "Gun Rights Group Calls 'Assault Weapons' Ban 'Gun Registration Scheme.'" Press release from the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:25 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, June 30, 2005 5:29 PM EDT
New Article: The Truth About NewsMax
Topic: Newsmax that it doesn't care about the truth. It will deceive and lie to its readers to shill Ed Klein's Hillary-bashing book. Read more.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:52 AM EDT
Another Thing You Won't Read at WND
Topic: WorldNetDaily
From Max Blumenthal's account of the College Republican National Convention:

On June 24 conventiongoers were treated to speeches from conservative stars like House majority leader Tom DeLay; antitax zealot Grover Norquist, who called Senator John McCain a "nut job" for compromising on Bush's judge picks; and black right-winger Jesse Lee Peterson, who announced that "most black people--not all, but most--can't think for themselves."

WorldNetDaily, of course, is the inadequately disclosed publisher of Peterson's book and keeper of his speaking engagements.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:17 AM EDT

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