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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
WND's Double Standard on Erroneous Speculation
Topic: WorldNetDaily
A July 5 WorldNetDaily article states: "Flagged by Islamic groups as a probable hate crime, a burned Quran found at the doorstep of a Virginia mosque turned out to be a case of a Muslim who wasn't sure how to properly dispose of his religion's sacred book."

We're still waiting for WorldNetDaily to give similar treatment to another erroneous-suspicion case. The death of a Coptic Christian family in New Jersey was heavily promoted by WND as the work of Islamic terrorists, but WND abandoned the story when it became clear that the killings were in fact motivated by robbery by two apparent non-Muslims.

WND also printed a July 5 column by Michelle Malkin on the subject; she called the burned-Quran case "a symbol of the knee-jerk penchant among some civil-rights groups and their enablers to cry racism, claim discrimination, and criticize U.S. law enforcement authorities for not doing enough to stop 'hate crimes.'"

But like WND, Malkin also promoted speculation that the Coptic family's death was an anti-Christian hate crime perpetrated by Muslims (here and here). Malkin did eventually apologize for her erroneous speculation. Will WorldNetDaily apologize for doing the exact same thing?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 6, 2005 12:19 AM EDT

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