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Saturday, October 18, 2008
Aaron Klein Anti-Obama Agenda Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

How much does Aaron Klein hate Barack Obama?

He considers Muammar Gadhafi to be an authoritative, unassilable authority on Obama.

Klein really needs to seek professional treatment for his Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:41 AM EDT
MRC Bashes Stephanopoulos for Agreeing With Americans
Topic: Media Research Center

An Oct. 16 Media Research Center CyberAlert item (and NewsBusters post) by Brent Baker complained that "Democratic operative-turned ABC News journalist George Stephanopoulos made it a 'clean sweep for Barack Obama' as he declared on Nightline after Wednesday's third and final presidential debate: 'He has won every debate,'" adding that "Stephanopoulos has awarded all four debates this year to the more liberal candidate."

Baker fails to note that Stephanopoulos' opinion reflected that of the American public as indicated by post-debate polling, in which a plurality or majority also declared Obama the winner:

  • Sept. 26 presidential debate: Obama 51%, McCain 38% (CNN); Obama 39%, McCain 25% (CBS).
  • Oct. 2 vice presidential debate: 46% Biden, 21% Palin (CBS); 51% Biden, 36% Palin (CNN).
  • Oct. 7 presidential debate: Obama 54%, McCain 30% (CNN); Obama 39%, McCain 27% (CBS).
  • Oct. 15 presidential debate: Obama 53%, McCain 22% (CBS); Obama 58%, McCain 31% (CNN).

So agreeing with Americans is evidence of liberal bias?

Posted by Terry K. at 9:44 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, October 18, 2008 11:15 PM EDT
WND Chooses to Remain Suckered
Topic: WorldNetDaily

How utterly craven and desperate is WorldNetDaily to smear Barack Obama? It's lending what little credibility it has to promoting an almost assuredly nonexistent tape of Michelle Obama purportedly haranguing an almost assuredly nonexistent "news agency."

An Oct. 16 article (unbylined -- it seems that WND's own writers lack enough faith in API to actually put a name to this) parrots African Press International's claim that "the contents of the tapes if made public may change the political atmosphere in America for ever." Indeed, WND uncritically parrots everything API has to say, including its claim that Michelle Obama called API "because of a Nairobi contact that did not like the way API was covering Barack Obama using information collected from American media outlets. The Nairobi contact prevailed upon Mrs. Obama to talk to API."

While WND buries denials by the Obama campaign, as well as by National Review's Byron York, in the article, it ignores other views on the subject by its fellow right-wingers:

  • "It smelled like seafood to us," stated Little Green Footballs.
  • "Not sure how she would have found a number to call them with since they don't provide a contact number anywhere," said JammieWearingFool.
  • "A simple search on a, an African news agency that aggregates hundreds of African newspapers that is based in Washington D.C shows that [API] were not mentioned anywhere," said the pro-Palin Change & Experience blog.

Further, an Oct. 15 ABC News post by Jake Tapper -- currently linked to from WND's front page but not strangely referenced anywhere in the WND article -- makes an important point: "The Obama campaign does not tend to directly engage fringe Web sitesmaking wild charges, and if they were to do so, they certainly wouldn't have Michelle Obama make the call."

Further, as Sadly, No! points out:

[T]here is no such thing as the news agency, African Press International. It is in fact an unbelievably cheap-looking Wordpress blog, operated by a pseudonymous person from God-knows-where, that steals daily news stories from the African Press Agency, strips the attributions from them, and substitutes its own name. This enterprise also features a phony charity impersonating an actual charity.

WND has displayed no evidence that it has ever made an attempt to investigate the background of API or "Chief Editor Korir."

Joseph Farah, Jerome Corsi and Co., we can easily assume, are most desperately praying to their God, hoping against hope that -- in the face of all signs they have most assuredly seen -- this story is even slightly true. Then again, it promoted the false "whitey" story too.

If, as it appears, it is a fake (not unlike Corsi's Kenya documents), WND deserves to be shamed out of the journalism business. Unless it thinks it can convince people that lies are the new "journalism."

UPDATE: Indeed, Corsi has been begging API to post the audio.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:17 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, October 18, 2008 9:20 AM EDT
Friday, October 17, 2008
Newsmax Falsely Invokes 9/11 Hijacker to Attack Obama
Topic: Newsmax

An Oct. 17 Newsmax article by David Patten promoted an ad campaign by the anti-Obama National Republican Trust PAC that will highlight Barack Obama allegedly "embrac[ing] the idea of giving driver’s licenses to any illegal immigrant who wanted one." The article is illustrated by a shot of 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta's Florida driver's license and notes, "In the aftermath of 9/11, authorities reported that the 19 terrorists involved in the attacks had obtained 13 driver’s licenses, plus 21 federal or state-issued ID cards."

But Atta didn't enter the United States illegally; he arrived on a tourist visa, which he later applied to have changed to a student visa (during which time his tourist visa expired, meaning that he was technically in the U.S. illegally at the time of the attacks). That student visa application was approved in 2002.

Indeed, all of the 9/11 hijackers entered the U.S. legally on visas, though several had overstayed time limits, making them technically illegal at the time of the attacks.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:03 PM EDT
Graham's False Sex Scandal Equivalence
Topic: NewsBusters

Tim Graham takes time out from Heathering David Brooks to draw a false equivalence between sex scandals in an Oct. 17 NewsBusters post. In it, he complains that the sex scandal involving Democratic Florida Rep. Tim Mahoney has received only a fraction of the media coverage of the sex scandal of the man he replaced, Republican Mark Foley. But Graham downplays Foley's offenses and pretends both scandals are the same.

Graham states Foley's offense only as "sending sexual Internet messages to Congressional pages." He fails to acknowledge -- even though he reprints a 2006 transcript pointing it out -- that there was a larger issue of Foley's history of behavior toward the (teenage male) pages and whether House Republican leadership knew about it and did anything to stop it, which ratchets up the scandal quotient.

Mahoney, meanwhile, is caught in the arguably dime-a-dozen scandal of paying off a (female adult) mistress who threatened to go public about the affair and of apparent involvement involvement in multiple other affairs. Sleazy? Sure. But not as sleazy as cruising for teenage boys and the Repubican leadership trying to cover it up.

If you'll recall, Graham's fellow MRC employees at NewsBusters and endeavored to distract their readers from the Foley scandal in 2006.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:09 PM EDT
WND's Amnesia on Obama's Birth Certificate Continues
Topic: WorldNetDaily

An Oct. 16 WorldNetDaily article by Chelsea Schilling reported on "a second lawsuit challenging Barack Obama's 'natural born' citizenship."

Schilling apparently doesn't read her own website (much like fellow WND employee Drew Zahn), because WND debunked the claim that Obama's birth certificate is fraudulent back in August. For Schilling's benefit, here's the relevant section:

A separate WND investigation into Obama's birth certificate utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic. The investigation also revealed methods used by some of the bloggers to determine the document was fake involved forgeries, in that a few bloggers added text and images to the certificate scan that weren't originally there.

As we asked about Zahn: Is Schilling really that stupid, or is she so dishonest that she will lie to her readers in order to smear Obama?

The amnesia (and stupidity) spreads to Hal Lindsey, who makes the mistake of reading the website that publishes him -- except for the part that answers the question he raises. Lindsey makes this convoluted logical trainwreck:

Besides, says it examined the Obama birth certificate and claims it is genuine.

But is owned by the Annenberg Foundation, which links to Bill Ayers, which links to Barack Obama, both of whom held seats on that board – which then calls's objectivity into question.

Needless to say, Lindsey fails to mention that Walter Annenberg, the source of the funding behind and the Annenberg Challenge, was a prominent Republican.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:31 PM EDT
The Lead Heather Targets David Brooks Again
Topic: NewsBusters

NewsBusters' lead Heather, Tim Graham, has let loose the Swatch dogs of war again upon conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks.

In an Oct. 15 post, Graham bashed Brooks as an "increasingly fraudulent 'conservative'" (translation: he won't robotically regurgitiate McCain talking points), though he did relent a bit and concede that Brooks "tried to be generous at the end and say the 'landscape has been so biased against McCain.'"

Graham bashes away further on Brooks in an Oct. 16 post for committing the offense of speaking the truth that Barack Obama handled the debate attacks from John McCain well and that McCain didn't cause enough damage to significantly alter the campaign. That's not how Graham saw it, of course; he sneered that "Brooks was digging McCain’s campaign a grave" and did a "gush for Obama."

Brooks is so not gonna be invited to Graham's next party.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:30 AM EDT
CNS Article on Obama Tax Plan Is Lacking

An Oct. 15 article by Matt Cover claiming that "Barack Obama’s plan to cut taxes on 95 percent of taxpayers would effectively increase government spending" is missing a few things.

Cover credits the claim to "the non-partisan Tax Policy Center," but the only direct quotes the article attributes to anyone at the center are definitions of two Obama tax-related proposals. All conclusions Cover reports are paraphrased, which makes it difficult to go back to the source and figure out from exactly which TPC report Cover is getting his information. (the most recent came out Sept. 30.)

Note that Cover calls the Tax Policy Center "non-partisan." He might want to check with upper management for guidance on that, since his ultimate boss, Brent Bozell, criticizes the media whenever they do that. In a Sept. 30 column, Bozell complained that "reporters and columnists touting Obama are repeatedly citing numbers by something called the Tax Policy Center – and you’ll never hear that this is a project operated by two liberal-Democrat think tanks."

Also missing is any mention of the TPC's analysis of John McCain's tax plans -- for example, it has noted that McCain's plan to lower capital gains taxes would mostly benefit those with income of $600,000 a year or more. Or would CNS have to state that TPC is "liberal-Democrat" if it did?

Posted by Terry K. at 9:14 AM EDT
Matthew Vadum's Idea of A Beatdown
Topic: Capital Research Center

The Capital Research Center's Matthew Vadum has attacked us in an Oct. 15 post, calling us "mendacious masochists" and a smear site" for pointing out a false claim he made regarding Barack Obama's relationship with ACORN and goes on to say we "should do some research for a change."

Actually, we did do our research. But Vadum didn't address what we actually said.

If you'll recall, we were pointing out that Newsmax's Lowell Ponte cited Vadum as his source for claiming that Project Vote was "ACORN’s voter mobilization entity" at the time Obama worked for the group in 1992 -- language lifted almost verbatim from Vadum's CRC report on the subject -- when in fact Project Vote was not a part of ACORN in 1992.

In his blog post, Vadum cites another report that he says "makes it abundantly clear that ACORN and Project Vote were partners in the voter registration drive led by Obama." But that's a different claim than the one we were addressing.

We never claimed that ACORN didn't play a role in the Project Vote operation Obama was a part of in 1992. We are taking issue with Vadum's claim that Project Vote was "ACORN's voter mobilization arm" in 1992. As ACORN itself stated, "At that time, Project Vote had no more connection to ACORN than it did with dozens of other national and local organizations with which it partnered on local registration drives."

Where's Vadum's evidence contradicting that? We see none. And his insistence that it's an "invented claim" doesn't count because he doesn't back that up either.

Vadum thinks he issued "another good beating" upon us. That presumes he did so the first time (which he didn't).

If this is Vadum's idea of a beatdown, about all we can say in response is: Thank you, sir, may we have another?

Posted by Terry K. at 1:04 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, May 4, 2009 2:44 PM EDT
Kessler Fails to Call Kit Bond's Obama Attack Partisan
Topic: Newsmax

From an Oct. 16 Newsmax article by Ronald Kessler:

If Barack Obama wins the presidency, he will endanger the country by making us more vulnerable to terrorist attacks, the vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence tells Newsmax.

Obama “would so weaken our security forces that I personally believe that we would be in much greater danger of terrorist attacks in the United States and abroad,” says Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo. “I’m very much concerned, because he’s shown weak judgment throughout his career. Throughout his campaign he has taken one position after another that just doesn’t make sense in fighting the war on terror.”

What Kessler doesn't tell you: Bond is the Missouri chairman for John McCain's campaign, so it's no surprise that he would harshly attack Obama -- indeed, it's his job.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:12 AM EDT
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Jerome Corsi's Memogate
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Jerome Corsi has the same problem CBS had on the subject of documents.

Like CBS' memos regarding President Bush's National Guard service, Corsi's memos purported proving that Barack Obama had a close relationship with Kenya's Raila Odinga and donated money to his campaign are clearly not original and may be competely fraudulent.

But even though Corsi so far is standing by his Obama docs, he dismissed the CBS docs:

  • In an Oct. 5, 2005, WorldNetDaily column, Corsi referenced "the forged documents story that brought Dan Rather down from his lofty chair as CBS News anchor."
  • In a Sept. 28, 2007, WND article, Corsi wrote: "CBS News initially stood by its claims in the face of widespread accusations – brought first by bloggers – that early 1970s documents used in the story to discredit Bush were forgeries, created with a modern word-processing program."

But  Corsi's documents are at least as "forged" as the CBS'. And like CBS, he is treating them as accurate, even "authenticated," even though you can't authenticate a fake.

In an Oct. 17 WND article, Corsi again insists that his documents have been "verified" -- even as he continues to offer nothing to support that "verification" but obviously fake documents.

Will Corsi ever come clean? We shall see.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:17 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, October 17, 2008 10:33 PM EDT
Cashill's Newest Smear: Obama's Anti-Semitic
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Jack Cashill declares Barack Obama an anti-Semite in his Oct. 16 WorldNetDaily column.

Why is Obama an anti-Semite: Because he mentioned Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz in a speech criticizing the runup to the Iraq war. 

Cashill thus baselessly buys into the argument that anyone who criticizes the neoconservatives who got the U.S. into the Iraq war is automatically an anti-Semite because a number of the most prominent neocons are Jewish.

Cashill claims that Perle and Wolfowitz's names in 2002 were "two names in common parlance only on the hard left" and singling them out was "the kind of intelligence that Obama could have gotten only from his pals in Chicago's unrepentant radical community." Uh, no:

In March 2002, Wolfowitz sat down for a lengthy interview on PBS' "Newshour with Jim Lehrer," and the New York Times Magazine did a lengthy profile of Wolfowitz in October 2002.

In an appearance on the July 11, 2002, edition of the PBS series "Wide Angle," Perle said: "Saddam is much weaker than we think he is. He's weaker militarily. We know he's got about a third of what he had in 1991. But it's a house of cards. He rules by fear because he knows there is no underlying support. Support for Saddam, including within his military organization, will collapse at the first whiff of gunpowder. Now, it isn't going to be over in 24 hours, but it isn't going to be months either."

As might be expected given his other concurrent conspiracy theory, Cashill drags William Ayers into it, calling him "no garden variety anti-Semite" and baselessly asserting he has a "fondness for Islamic Jew-haters."

Is Joseph Farah proud of that fact that he has sunk so law as to publish fabulists like Cashill in his failing effort to bash Obama? Is Farah's death wish for the company he has spent the past decade building that strong?

Posted by Terry K. at 4:22 PM EDT
Aaron Klein Repeats Lie About Obama
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Aaron Klein repeats his claim in an Oct. 16 WorldNetDaily article that "Obama's campaign last week falsely claimed ACORN was 'not part of' Project Vote, but the organization's incorporation papers, obtained by WND, show Project Vote is a trademark name whose parent company is registered at the same New Orleans address in which ACORN and multiple ACORN affiliates are housed."

But again, as he did the last time he made it, he does not back up his assertion with any actual evidence that the incorporation papers support his assertion that Project Vote was not part of ACORN in 1992, when Obama worked for the group. That the two share an address now is irrelevant to whether they were closely affiliated in 1992.

Perhaps Klein can post those incorporation papers so we can all have a look.

Indeed, Klein offers no evidence whatsoever that ProjectVote and ACORN were as closely affiliated in 1992 as they are today. He further fails to quote ACORN's own statement on the issue:

In 1992, Obama ran a successful voter registration drive in Chicago for Project Vote which helped 150,000 people register to vote. At that time, Project Vote had no more connection to ACORN than it did with dozens of other national and local organizations with which it partnered on local registration drives. In 1994, over a year after Obama left Project Vote, ACORN and Project Vote began working much more closely together. 

Most reporters would consider it to be important to include a statement from ACORN -- Klein doesn't. He's too busy working for the McCain campaign by regurgitating its talking point that ACORN is involved in "numerous, massive voter fraud scandals."

Klein then twists a Obama campaign spokesman that Project Vote and ACORN were not as intertwined in 1992 as they are today by claiming that it "directly contradicts the Obama campaign's 'Fact Check' claim that ACORN was "not part" of Project Vote.

No, it doesn't. The question at hand is not whether ACORN took part in Project Vote activities in 1992 -- both Obama and ACORN have said that took place. The question is whether Project Vote was a subsidiary of ACORN in 1992 in the way Klein repeatedly asserts. Klein offers no evidence to support the claim.

So Klein is lying again about Obama -- nothing new for him. 

Posted by Terry K. at 2:01 PM EDT
Rep. Smith Cites Discredited Media Bias Study
Topic: Accuracy in Media

In an Oct. 14 Accuracy in Media blog post attacking what he calls Time magazine's "latest example of biased campaign coverage," Rep. Lamar Smith writes: "Time magazine’s bias existed well before this presidential campaign; a 2005 UCLA study found that Time’s coverage ranked well to the left of the average American voter."

Smith is apparently referring to a study by UCLA's Timothy Groseclose and the University of Missouri's Jeffrey Milyo. But as Media Matters detailed, the Groseclose-Milyo study's measure of "bias" -- the frequency with which various think tanks and advocacy organizations were cited approvingly by the media -- is so problematic that its findings are next to useless. Further, both Groseclose and Milyo have previously received grants from right-wing think tanks -- which is reflected in the study's bibliography, which cites the usual right-wing suspects such as the Media Research Center and AIM but no scholarly research on the subject of media bias.

Then again, taking refuge in such dubious claims -- as well as shilling for the McCain campaign, which he does here by enthusiastically defending its "Country First" slogan as "clearly meant to emphasize his decades of military and civil service" -- appear to be the whole point of Smith's mini-war on "liberal bias."

Posted by Terry K. at 1:03 PM EDT
Will Corsi Retract His False Documents At Teleseminar?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

As part of his recovery from his (not so) "traumatic abduction" in Kenya, Jerome Corsi will host a teleseminar at 6 p.m. Eastern time today to discuss his claims about Barack Obama and Kenya's Raila Odinga.

As we've detailed, the documents Corsi has thus far supplied to support his allegations of direct Obama links to Odinga are either apparently fraudulent or blatantly fraudulent.

His claims that he "authenticated" these documents fly in the face of the simple fact that you can't "authenticate" a fake.

Will anyone ask Corsi during the teleseminar about these fraudulent documents? Will anyone be allowed to ask questions at all? Will Corsi admit his documents are fraudulent?

We shall see. What little credibility WorldNetDaily has a news source is riding on it.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:34 AM EDT

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