Topic: WorldNetDaily
In a Sept. 12 WorldNetDaily column about "how easy it is to slant journalistic writing" through word choices, Michael Ackley writes:
Another example is to be found in references to the president of the United States. Throughout his tenure, Bill Clinton was uniformly referred to as "President Clinton" by radio and TV network broadcasters. This is a courtesy seldom accorded the current resident of the White House, who regularly is called "Mr. Bush."
Ackley offers no specific proof that this has occurred.
Ackley previously worked with WND editor Joseph Farah while both were at the Sacramento Union. At both the Union and WND, Farah and his employees have a history of using, as Ackley wrote, "loaded words that might prejudice the reader." Ackley might want to look into that sometime.
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:58 AM EDT