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Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Newsmax's Morris Keeps Bashing Biden, Touts Dean Phillips
Topic: Newsmax

Newsmax pundit Dick Morris kept up his attacks on President Biden as the year wound down, as Newsmax pays him to do:

Morris used an Oct. 12 column to rant that "It's becoming increasingly obvious that the Hamas attack on Israel is directly due to Biden’s relaxation of Donald Trump’s oil embargo on Iran," adding that "Biden’s weakness and senility serve to disguise effectively his pro-Iranian bias inherited from the Obama administration."

Morris has also been eager to pounce on any little thing to declare Biden's re-election campaign to be over. In an Oct. 31 column, it was that he wouldn't be on the primary ballot in New Hampshire due to a squabble between state and Democratic officals over which should be the first primary state:

Biden will not appear on the New Hampshire presidential primary ballot and will have to depend on write-ins to generate a showing.

It was exact same situation in 1968 when Lyndon Johnson did not appear on the New Hampshire ballot but appealed to write-ins. His performance was so pathetic that he was forced out of the race a month later.


But once Biden is humiliated in New Hampshire, and everybody sees that the emperor has no clothes, recovery will be difficult.

I doubt Biden can overcome such a strategy and I think he may be out of the race before or immediately after super Tuesday, March 5, 2024.

Then sit back and watch for any Democratic pretender to the throne to be roasted and eaten alive by the party’s carnivorous progressive wing.

In a Nov. 7 column, Morris declared that "The recent New York Times/Sienna College Poll makes it clear beyond doubt that Donald Trump is headed for a landslide defeat of Joe Biden," and joined the rest of Newsmax in touting Dean Philliips as a Biden spoiler (now that it wound down its cheerleading for Robert Kennedy Jr.'s campaign since he moved from Democrat to independent):

The Minnesota Democratic Congressman could upend the plan by winning or doing well in the first-in-the nation New Hampshire primary.

Biden, stupidly, will not be on the ballot. He removed himself to protest the legislature’s decision to stay first in the nation, frustrating Biden’s plan to put South Carolina ahead of it.

With Phillips on the ballot, and Biden having to depend on write-in votes, we may face a rerun of 1968 when Lyndon Johnson depended on write-ins and did not appear on the New Hampshire ballot, opening the way for another Minnesotan, Eugene McCarthy, to draw 42% of the vote, a stunning performance that led to Johnson’s withdrawal.

Phillips has a brilliant campaign message.

He says the only difference between he and Biden is age and physical condition.

He states the obvious truth — that only he is likely to be able to finish a second term.

Such an appeal — loving Biden while opposing him — is likely to draw lots of votes.


In the beginning, Phillips won’t be able to raise any money, but he doesn’t need to, running against Biden. The president’s failure to defeat Trump in the polls will demonstrate sufficiently that the party needs a new candidate and Phillips is as good as anyone to fill the void.

So, it will be a surprise Biden withdrawal at the last minute.

Morris didn't forget to suck up to the guy he really wants as president: "In the meantime, Trump will continue to wage his brilliant campaign of new, important, and attractive ideas, as well as compelling rally speeches."

Morris made more wild claims in a Dec. 9 TV appearance:

President Joe Biden is potentially going to be voted into an official House impeachment inquiry this week, which can expose him as being on the China payroll, according to presidential adviser Dick Morris on Newsmax.

"Biden was essentially not just seeking bribes, but on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Party," Morris told "Saturday Report." "They gave the University of Pennsylvania $58 million as a grant at the start of Biden's term and set up the Institute for Global Engagement and hired Joe Biden as the professor.

"At the end of his term as vice president when he was unemployed, China basically gave him a job."

In fact, Penn says it "never solicited or received any gifts from any Chinese or other foreign entity" for the Biden Center, which is funded entirely by university funds.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:47 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, January 3, 2024 9:36 PM EST

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