Newsmax Cheerleads For RFK Jr.Newsmax is boosting Robert Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign because it might hurt President Biden's re-election, not because it actually wants him to win.By Terry Krepel ![]() Robert Kennedy Jr.When Kennedy made his ambitions known, Newsmax surprisingly published an April 10 article noting that the rest of the Kennedy family opposed his candidacy because of penchant for conspiracy theories involving vaccines and other things. But that was quickly forgotten as it became clear how useful he to be to the right-wingers at Newsmax. Shortly after announcing his candidacy, Kennedy landed an interview on a Newsmax TV program to bash Democrats: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a 2024 Democratic candidate for president, told Newsmax that the party appears to have lost its will and capacity to fix the United States. Newsmax gave Kennedy another platform to bash Democrats on May 2: Democrats are engaging in censorship and enveloped in a "woke" culture that's "about canceling people rather than engaging them in discourse and having no boundaries on the things we're allowed to talk about," said Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Kennedy appeared again on May 4: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a 2024 Democratic presidential candidate, told Newsmax that the party should allow primary debates even with President Joe Biden running again. A May 6 article by Nick Koutsobinas hyped how Kennedy "will make his debut appearance as a presidential candidate at a cryptocurrency conference in Miami later this month." A day later, Newsmax noted Kennedy claiming that there's "overwhelming evidence" that the CIA killed his uncle, President John F. Kennedy. Newsmax even hyped Republican Devin Nunes complaining that Democrats and the "propaganda fake news" were ignoring Kennedy. It also promoted polls that made Kennedy look good:
Trump sycophant and terminally wrong Newsmax pundit Dick Morris basically gave away the game by using a May 2 Newsmax appearance to explain how Trump should exploit Kennedy's campaign for his own benefit: A campaign for the 2024 Democrat presidential nomination by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has "struck a chord" with the establishment's left and is making people nervous, and former President Donald Trump would do well to use that to his advantage, including in his upcoming CNN town hall, political strategist Dick Morris said Tuesday on Newsmax. On May 10, though, Newsmax had to report Kennedy's denial that he might share a ticket with Trump. Summer of defending KennedyThat promotion -- and amping up of his alleged victimhood over his anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories being fact-checked -- continued over the summer:
Newsmax even uncritically touted Kennedy insisting that Russia has been "acting in good faith" when it comes to ending invasion of Ukraine, even though Newsmax has been a vocal supporter of Ukraine. Newsmax also played cleanup for Kennedy after he made the bizarre claim that the COVID-19 virus was "ethnically targeted" to spare Jews. After running a wire article critical of Kennedy, it gave him airtime on Newsmax TV to defend himself: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Newsmax on Thursday that he has never been antisemitic and a smear campaign against him is trying to censor him from speaking out about the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and other topics. The study Kennedy cited, however, said nothing about the virus being "ethnically targeted." The Newsmax article did not explain what, exactly, was purportedly taken out of context. The article also did not mention that Kennedy previously claimed that opponents of vaccine mandates (like himself) had it worse than Anne Frank during the Holocaust; Kennedy eventually apologized for that. Newsmax did more cleanup for Kennedy after his July 20 congressional appearance, in an article by Solange Reyner: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s 2021 tweet about the death of baseball legend Hank Aaron after he received a COVID-19 vaccine was just "pointing out facts," Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, argued Thursday during a GOP-led hearing on government censorship by the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. In fact, Aaron died of natural causes, not the vaccine, which means Kennedy was lying by suggesting otherwise. Newsmax found a Jewish person -- right-wing rabbi Shmuley Boteach -- to defend Kennedy and help him do more cleanup in a July 24 TV appearance: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Newsmax that the New York Society for Ethical Culture canceled an event between him and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach less than 24 hours out. Newsmax repeated Kennedy's claim that he was just quoting from a study (which, again, didn't make that claim) and that he said he "never, ever suggested that the COVID-19 virus was targeted to spare Jews" (which is exactly what he did). Newsmax also gave Kennedy space to whine on July 28 that he was not being given Secret Service protection, which is given only to "major" candidates -- something he has not yet proven himself to be. A paywalled Aug. 1 article, though, seemed to admit that Kennedy was pushing this claim as "a bid to try to win over voters as he seeks to topple the sitting president in his party's primary, political strategists say." There were a few instances in which Newsmax treated Kennedy like the Democrat he claims to be. A July 12 article by Nicole Wells repeated an Axios report that Kennedy "is flouting established party custom by selling merchandise that is not made in America or by union workers." An Aug. 15 article by Jeffrey Rodack noted confusion over Kennedy's position on abortion after saying he supported government restrictions on it (which warranted a second article as well); his campaign later had to issue a clarification of his stance. An Aug. 30 article by Nick Koutsobinas, however, highlighted one of the few views on which Kennedy is actually like a Democrat, calling for government-subsidized home loans. Newsmax also let slip through a July 26 column by Ralph Benko, who took offense to Kennedy's claiming that COVID spares Jews: "Bobby lost me by showing too much patriarch Joseph and too little Jack, Teddy or Bobby," going on to advise Kennedy to "use his presidential candidacy to crusade against another scandal," the skyrocketing prison population. Columnists cheer RFK Jr.Newsmax's "news" side isn't the only part of the organization to give Robert Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign a boost in the hope that it might interfere with President Biden's re-election plans -- its columnists have been happy to hype him as well. Jeff Crouere used his May 1 column to defend Kennedy over a TV outlet declining to air his anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories: ABC News obviously did not care for the claims that Kennedy was making about vaccines and the pharmaceutical industry. According to Kennedy, “47 USC 315 makes it illegal for TV networks to censor presidential candidates but Thursday, ABC showed its contempt for the law, democracy, and its audience by cutting most of the content of my interview.” Of course, a "free and unbiased press" also means that the media is allowed to choose what it publishes and airs. Crouere would freak out if Newsmax was ordered to air all points of view. In his May 2 column, Daniel McCarthy touted how President Biden "has to contend with a real Kennedy for next year's Democratic presidential nomination," then hyped how he went conspiratorial over assassinations of family members, noting that "He's convinced Sirhan Sirhan did not fire the fatal shots" that killed his father and that "He also holds the CIA culpable for the murder of his uncle in Dealey Plaza 60 years ago." McCarthy then insisted that Kennedy's penchant for conspiracy theories is somehow noble and that his family name legitimizes them: Robert Kennedy Jr.'s penchant for "conspiracy theories" leads Biden-friendly commentators and political strategists to dismiss him. McCarthy concluded by insisting that RFK Jr. is the real "Kennedy dream": Biden, leader of a party whose liberalism is very different, hid behind the Kennedy dream.
Taibbi defends RFK Jr.'s anti-vaxx attacksMatt Taibbi threw away a lot of the credibility he had as a journalist by acting as Elon Musk's stenographer for his selectively edited "Twitter files." He has thrown away even more by appearing on Newsmax to defending Robert Kennedy Jr.'s anti-vaxxer conspiracies -- just one more part of Newsmax's summer of defending Kennedy. Jeremy Frankel summed up one appearance in a July 20 article: Democrats who insist on censoring "disinformation" do not seem to understand the First Amendment or what free speech is, journalist Matt Taibbi told Newsmax on Thursday. Taibbi elaborated further in another Newsmax appearance, summed up in a July 24 article by Nicole Wells: Independent journalist Matt Taibbi told Newsmax on Monday that the governmental entities that pushed censorship through Twitter prior to Elon Musk's ownership had to come up with a new category of misinformation to flag things like Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s tweet about suspicious deaths that were potentially linked to COVID-19 vaccines. Note that Wells did not repeat the content of the Kennedy tweet in question -- in which he blamed the death of baseball great Hank Aaron on a COVID vaccine. And again, contrary to her assertion, Aaron's death was never "suspicious"; he died of natural causes at age 86. Taibbi lied as well by describing Kennedy's tweet as "basically, true information that has what they think is an adverse political outcome, that might result in people not getting vaccinated." It was never true that Aaron died of COVID, and Kennedy was deliberately misinforming people by suggesting otherwise. (A few days earlier, Newsmax uncritically repeated Republican Rep. Jim Jordan's bogus claim that Kennedy's tweet was just 'pointing out facts.") Wells also called Taibbi a "Twitter files journalist" -- in fact, he left the project months earlier amid an acrimonious falling-out with Elon Musk -- and an "independent journalist," even though there was nothing independent about his doing Musk's bidding. |