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Monday, April 17, 2023
MRC's Anti-Abortion Extremist Again Pushes Argument That Abortion Is A Thought Crime
Topic: Media Research Center

Last year, the Media Research Center's top anti-abortion extremist, Tierin-Rose Mandelburg, had a freakout when Chrissy Teigen said that her miscarriage was really an abortion, essentially arguing that an abortion is a thought crime -- if you're having the procedure for the right reasons, it's not actually an abortion. Mandelburg had another freakout -- albeit in the defense of a right-wing activist's procedure that she claimed was a miscarriage and other observers say was an abortion -- in a Feb. 28 post:

If your grandma is getting oxygen fed through a tube to help her breathe, but then her heart stops beating and she dies, removing the oxygen tube will not kill her. She’s already dead. Same goes if a baby dies in utero and is later removed. The removal of her body doesn’t kill her, she’s already dead.

That’s unfortunately what happened to popular figure Jessa Seewald, formerly known as Jessa Duggar, part of the 19 Kids and Counting reality series on TLC. Seewald and her husband lost their child due to a miscarriage over the Christmas season and needed to pass the baby with a Dilation & Curettage (D&C) procedure. While the child was dead before his or her removal from the womb, internet trolls and the media are spreading the lie that Seewald had an abortion. 

The Seewalds recently broke the news that their fifth child died in the womb in a video called “Heartbreak Over the Holidays” on their YouTube channel. It was a raw, real-life, update in which Jessa told of finding out she’d lost the baby. She said she relied on the Bible, specifically the parts about Job, to remember that even in all of the hardship of losing her child, God is still good.

In her video she said that she doesn’t regret telling her children that she was pregnant because “even the short life this baby lived did bring so much joy to our home.” She added “even through it all, even through all the struggles we can say, ‘God is good. He loves us. He cares for us.’ I have felt His presence, I have felt His peace, even in the midst of a storm.”

Relying on God is common for the openly Christian family and pro-life family. Unfortunately, some tried using the devastating loss of their child to push in support of abortion. 

These people are demonic.

That's right -- if you disagree with Mandelburg and Seewald, you're "demonic." Also, Mandelburg failed to mention that the main reason the "19 Kids and Counting" franchise tanked is because Jessa's brother is a creepy perv.

Mandelburg cited how "some people who actually know what they’re talking about came to Seewald’s defense," though they were fellow anti-abortion activists, one of them hiding behind a fake name.The other, activist Allie Beth Stuckey, insisted that "A D&C after a miscarriage is not an abortion and is not restricted in any way by any new pro-life laws in any state"  -- despite the fact that many anti-abortion laws are so vaguely written it's unclear under exactly what circumstances a surgical prodecure is permitted -- then cited a Bible verse smearing anyone who disagreed with her as being "of your father devil."

She then quoted Seewald playing the thought-crime defense: "There's a world of difference between someone dying and someone being killed. To equate one to the other— and to a mother grieving the loss of her baby no less— is severely distasteful. There is a world of difference between a mortician and a murderer. Even a child understands the difference between the two." Mandelburg concluded by huffing: "It really is a shame that the left is using the Seewalds heartbreaking loss to try to justify more babies being killed. They didn’t want their child to die. Abortion supporters do."

Mandelburg is aligning herself with people who think that anyone who disagrees with them is not just wrong but evil. Can one have a civil conversation with demagogic absolutists like these?

Posted by Terry K. at 6:13 PM EDT

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