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Monday, April 10, 2023
WND's Farah Declares That Likening Politicians To Nazis Is Cool Again
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily regularly has a cow whenever someone likens Republicans in general or Donald Trump in particular to Nazis -- even though it spent the entirety of Barack Obama's presidency playing the Nazi card against him. But it appears that WND editor Joseph Farah has decided that it's cool to smear politicians as Nazis again. he wrote in his Feb. 27 column:

What comes to mind when thinking about those who select people based on race.

Democrats? Joe Biden? Adolf Hitler?

Fair comparison?

Yes – you better believe it.

Identity politics is all the same.

Democrats also win the prize on and gender – something that never occurred to the Nazis.

And that is all Tulsi Gabbard did. She told the truth, once again, about Biden and Democrats. Remember, she's a former Democrat and former Democratic presidential candidate.

Last week Gabbard hit out at "identity politics" across the Democratic Party, which she claimed was "proud" to appoint people to federal posts based on their race and gender.

The 41-year-old called the trend "sickening and alarming," claiming it echoed the core principles of Nazism. It is the second time she has compared Biden to the German dictator on the Jesse Watters show on Fox.


It wasn't a German thing, however. Hitler virtually invented and personified racial hatred and phony religion.

Democrats and Joe Biden are doing the same thing. In fact, they're doing him one better. Not only are they making a mockery of the Constitution, they are making a travesty of God's Word with the fantasy that there are more than only two sexes.

It's time to challenge all of this nonsense before there are any more elections.

Farah didn't explain why the Nazi smear is suddenly permissible again after spending years attacking anyone who did so against a Republican.

Farah played the same card again in his March 15 column:

The Nazis canceled people – in the worst way possible. They left in their wake nothing but ash.

Cancel culture is something we've never really known in the West – in the USA. Not until the rise of Big Tech.

But history repeats itself. And though it hasn't reached the level of Germany's death camps, there are some parallels emerging.


Today the Democrats are unrepentant. I never expected the lies they would tell, the crimes they would commit.

I thought: "Not in America, the nation I loved."

And what does it have to do with Big Tech? They made it all possible. They are the new authority on all things under the sun – under Big Tech. It's the new Tower of Babel.

When did journalism become so mean? When did liberals become so mean? Honestly. When did they begin seeing the world so bleakly? Their hearts have been hardened to God.

I'll say it again. Big Tech became a combination goose-stepping SS and fascist Brownshirts – the Rat Patrol. Is it time to stop working with them – completely? To pretend they don't exist?

The paid provocateurs of the Democratic Party.

The fake-news media.

Controlled speech. Disinformation. Misinformation.

The wannabe neo-Nazis.

History is repeating itself – with the help of Big Tech. They are all Josef Goebbels. 

Actually, the spreaders of disinformation and misinformation are Farah and his WND minions, who have made fake news and conspiracy theories the WND brand and whine loudly whenever they're called out on it.  The only person to blame for WND's current predicament is Farah, not the "big tech" folks who decided they no longer want to do business with such a dishonest "news" organization.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:32 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, April 10, 2023 5:36 PM EDT

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