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Wednesday, April 13, 2022
WND Finds Another Extremist Anti-Vaxxer Doctor It Can Turn Into A Victim
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily loves an extremist who can be turned into a victim, and it found one in an anti-vaxxer doctor from Maine. Art Moore wrote in a Jan. 14 article:

A Maine medical licensing board has temporarily suspended the license of a veteran physician for allegedly spreading "misinformation" about COVID-19 as it conducts a 30-day investigation that will require her to undergo a psychological examination.

Dr. Meryl Nass, who been a board-licensed internal physician for more than 40 years, was the subject of two complaints based, among other things, on her statements that the vaccines have serious safety issues and are ineffective at stopping infection and transmission of the virus. She called the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention a "criminal agency," pointing out that federal health officials have suppressed the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to treat COVID while pushing newer, more expensive treatments.

It's not until well down in thge article that Moore gets around to mentioning what exactly Nass did to get suspended: she lied by claiming that a patient had Lyme disease so she could prescribe the patient hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID (even though few legitimate medical professionals believe that it works). Moore framed this as her being "forced to lie," then incritically repeated her claim that "it should not have been unnecessary for her to lie" to get HCQ, but "Maine's Pharmacy Board had threatened pharmacists, and nearly all of them stopped dispensing both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine."

Moore also reframed her anti-vaxxerism by claim that "she did not recommend or discourage vaccination but spells out for patients the benefits and risks to help them decide for themselves." In fact, as a more legitimate media source reported, Nass has said "there may be things in these vaccines that the government wants to inject in us," and suggested that vaccinations of children are being encouraged "for some other nefarious reason."

Moore's article was republished on March 2 for unexplained reasons, perhaps as accompaniment to another article from Moore that day in which Nass' victimhood is ramped up:

In an article published by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Children's Health Defense, she tells "The Extraordinary Story of How Governments Suppressed Effective COVID Treatments and Targeted Physicians Who Prescribed Them."


Nass has compiled a "stunning collection" of more than 50 ways authorities and pharmaceutical companies in multiple countries stopped the use of chloroquine drugs for COVID.

"'Avoiding the Trump drug' served as a great cover story. Taking hydroxychloroquine for COVID was equated to drinking bleach," she wrote.


She pointed out that while ivermectin was not identified in the studies, in early 2020 it was found to be effective against COVID-19. The French company MedinCell, working with Monash University and supported by Bill Gates, was developing an injectable version.

But after ivermectin exploded in popularity as a treatment for COVID-19, doctors were threatened with the loss of their licenses for prescribing it, and pharmacists for fulfilling the prescriptions.

"You couple that with a huge media offensive, and threats from an industry of medical 'nonprofits,'" Nass wrote. "You invent 'misinformation' as a medical misdemeanor, studiously failing to define it. You make people think the legal prescribing of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine is a crime, even though off-label prescribing is entirely legal under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.

"Did Fauci give the order? Was it CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky? Maybe it was acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock?" she asked. "It was probably some combination, plus the public relations professionals managing the messaging and the media."

Pro tip: If you want to treated as a credible medical professional, you do not associate yourself with Kennedy Jr.'s notorious anti-vaxxer group. It is, however, the thing you want to do if you're portraying yourself as a victim to the right-wing fringe -- and WND is happy to encourage that bogus victimhood.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:03 AM EDT

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