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Friday, January 22, 2021
Mychal Massie Meltdown Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Influencing the world for worse is a distinction of which both Biden and Harris are wholly worthy. Biden has spent nearly five decades in political office with the summum bonum being the personal enrichment of his family, the best crack cocaine taxpayer money and Chinese/Ukraine money he could provide for his son, and the targeted imprisonment of the black youth Hillary Clinton called super-predators. Of course, Biden did engage in creepy behavior such as sniffing the hair of little girls, but "c'mon, man!" – that's just Joe.

As for Harris, she's representative of everything a decent parent would not want his daughter to be and everything a decent parent would not want his son to become involved with, must less marry and bring home. Harris lowered the bar for prostituting oneself to fame, fortune and political status. If the women of the Hollywood "Me Too" movement are to be believed, they were forced to be promiscuous in order get the best acting roles. Harris slept with married men because she is an amoral woman who delights and boasts of cheap, tawdry acts of sexual misconduct with such men.

Biden-Harris are co-conspirators in the global conspiracy to steal the presidency of the United States. It makes no difference what the media, RINOs and Democrats try to claim, there is no plausible way on earth that Biden-Harris legitimately defeated President Trump. This isn't sour grapes; it is fact.

Biden is a lecherous dolt with increasingly diminished cognitive ability, and Harris is more rabidly supportive of the systematic extermination of blacks than is Obama. Add to that the fact she has fewer morals than the Obama woman, and you have two people who perfectly represent what [Henry] Luce made clear.

-- Mychal Massie, Dec. 14 WorldNetDaily column

There's no demographic of people more bigoted and prejudiced than white liberals. To that I add, chief among them is Andrew Cuomo, Democratic governor of the morally bankrupt and near defunct state of New York.

Cuomo and his kind engage in the most rabid form of lies, bigotry and overt racism witnessed in the history of America, with impunity. They practice the same subjugation based upon color of skin as Democrats codified during Jim Crow. Even more reprehensible is the fact that they openly boast of it, and their lapdogs in the mainstream media then sing their praises.

During Jim Crow, white Democrats openly called blacks "niggers" and uneducated sub-humans incapable of thinking for themselves. That is exactly what Cuomo just did when he banned sales of the Confederate flag on so-called state property. That he also banned the swastika was nothing more than a blind intended to conceal his inherent racism.


The Confederate flag is part of the history of America, and I cannot overstate my contempt for those who seek to rewrite and bastardize history. Cuomo isn't showing respect for me or for any thinking Americans. I am black, and I can think for myself. I don't need some bigoted white commie liberal telling me how I should view said flag. Especially when his kind condemn me for adhering to the Word of God.

-- Mychal Massie, Dec. 21 WND column

America's God is no longer the Lord; America's god has descended to everything God Almighty condemns. Sexual sin on every quantifiable level is not only celebrated, but it is practiced openly without shame. Liars, thieves and the debauched are elevated to positions of admiration. They are heralded as models of citizenry. The so-called Christian church has been infested and infected with reprobates who practice the very behavior God abhors.

A nation whose governors boast that 100% of all baby-killing facilities are operating without interruption and where city governments vote unanimously to keep homosexual bathhouses open because they are deemed essential to the economy, and at the same time houses of worship are ordered closed, cannot be blessed by God.

A nation whose governors and mayors order the arrest of people for going to church, but keep liquor stores, cannabis stores and adult bookstores open cannot be blessed by God.


I wish I could point to a hopeful outcome for America, but from a biblical perspective I see none. I would be a liar if I tried to convince you of anything else.

-- Mychal Massie, Dec. 28 WND column

Censoring the truth, censoring personal opinions and attempts to control political discourse ad nauseam, are not the actions of truth-tellers. They are the actions of those who have throughout history feared the revealing of truth, because the free expression and exchange of same will always be the greatest threat to satanic indoctrination.

Start with homosexuality. If said were a normal sexual practice, the instant assault upon anyone who embraces facts over sexual perversion would not take place. Homosexuality is sexual sin, and the Word of God makes clear that refusing to repent and turn away from such practice ensures the most horrific of eternal outcomes.

Instead of, at the very least, allowing for differing opinion, those who embrace biblical truth are called "haters." This is a satanic enterprise intended to undermine the Word of God. It's easier to squelch truth when it's done under the guise of opposing hate. But as a born-again Christian minister, why is it wrong for me to stand on the tenets of my faith in the teaching of the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ?


If Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton are such strong women, why was it necessary for Harris to sleep with a phalanx of married men to climb up the political ladder? Why was it necessary for Clinton to suffer a lifetime of public humiliation for the sake of political expediency? How comforting has it been for Clinton to endure a lifetime of public humiliation due to her husband, Bill, a violent sexual predator and serial sexual molester, in her pursuit of the political Holy Grail?

-- Mychal Massie, Jan. 4 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 3:23 PM EST

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