Topic: WorldNetDaily
As a reminder that bad takes on coronavirus by WorldNetDaily columnists are still a thing, we bring you this Jan. 1 column by Brent Smith:
But just when people are beginning to breathe a sigh of relief, there are reports of a new, even worse, strain of the coronavirus.
In years gone by I doubt I would have questioned the validity of such a claim made by the "experts."
But, after all the misstatements, half-truths and outright lies we've been fed, not only scientifically and medically, but politically, in regards to the election, I'm finding it increasing difficult to believe that a new, mutated strain of the virus has been discovered, just as the vaccine is being widely distributed.
This "new strain" may be entirely legitimate, but after all we've been fed this year, I'm sorry, but I just don't believe it. I can't – at least not at first blush. Give me a better reason than it's what some expert says, and maybe I'll believe.
Why should I? This is a classic, virtually textbook demonstration of the Boy who cried Wolf.
How many times do they think we will just sit here and believe one tall tale after another before it just becomes too much.
I know I sound like some unhinged, conspiracy moron, but again, why should I believe the same "experts" who have been consistently feeding us wrong information about every measure regarding this pandemic?
And believe me; I don't want to be that guy, that outlier. But I have to – hell, we all must. Look at what they've put us through, made us do, not do and forced us to endure. And look at what it has done to improve our lives. Absolutely nothing!
Juxtapose that with all they've done to erode away any confidence we had in these "experts" to practically nothing.
After all this, at best we must conclude the experts to be incompetent, or at worst, just plain bad people, manipulating the ignorant for their own gains.
And now we are expected to believe them once again – that by sheer happenstance, and just as we can begin to see a possible end in sight, they've discovered a new strain!
And let me guess. The vaccines just developed at lightning speed are completely ineffective, and any happy thoughts we had of opening up America again? Just put those thoughts back in the lock box.
This new strain may be totally legit, but you'll have to pardon me if I'm just a bit skeptical.
Meanwhile, in the real world, facts don't care about Smith's feelings -- the coronavirus variant exists and is more transmissible than the original strain.