Topic: WorldNetDaily
I’ve been hesitant to ask, but I will no longer resist: Is it time for martial law in many (perhaps all) midsize and big cities that have been ruled by Democrats for decade upon decade?
The Democrats have ruled Chicago for longer than Stalin ruled the USSR, the Castros in Cuba and the Kims in North Korea, and for longer than slavery was legal in the U.S.
These are America’s top 10 most violent cities, according to FBI data. Violent crimes include homicides, gun violence, gangs, pedophilia and robberies. Every city is majority Democrat-controlled. Several of the cities on the FBI’s list also appear on the aforementioned murder and non-fatal shootings lists. Because the FBI’s ranking is per capita, cities such as Chicago and Newark (only Democratic mayors; 90 percent Democratic city council; 23,000 days) are absent.
We’re witness to the single most treasonous and egregious cover up within the DMIC: the Democrat Media Industrial Complex.
At what point do law-abiding residents in these cities and their suburbs decide the breaking point has been reached? At what point do law-abiding Americans who have been casual observers start noticing? Is it as simple as asking, “why do you live there?”; or, “that’s who you voted for”? It’s not that simple; if it were, the pendulum would have swung to somewhat normalcy. Instead the breadth and frequency of violent crime in these municipalities have worsened over the years, not improved.
I’m loathe to speak for our national forefathers, but is it not within reason to suggest that they might deem the conditions in Democratic municipal hegemonies as justification for the suspension of habeas corpus? I do not know the answer; the question and the answer are complex.
What I do know, however, is that the cities governed by the same political party for tens of thousands of consecutive days have forced me to wonder aloud whether Congress must seriously consider the unprecedented step of declaring martial law. If declared, there’s no going back, and none of us know what the aftermath would look like.
How many more must die? When will we unequivocally draw the line in the sand that juveniles committing violent crime in Baltimore is unacceptable? When will Americans have enough of career criminality? If martial law isn’t an, or the, answer or solution, then what is? The majority of residents in these cities are law-abiding and have a right not to die simply because of where they live.
Our Revolutionaries lived under King George III for 37 years, and then decided upon the last resort of waging war; 37 years is but a pittance of time to Democrats in their cities. The king would marvel at how effectively the Democrats have maintained their stranglehold; the British monarchs ain’t got nothin’ on them.
-- Rich Logis, May 17 WorldNetDaily column