Earlier this year, we detailed how was essentially serving as a press-release factory for right-wing legal group Judicial Watch. Since that time, CNS has never stopped its PR work for the organization. Here are some of its JW-friendly headlines from over the summer and into the fall:
- Judicial Watch Sues Pentagon, Secret Service for Cost Reports of Presidential and VIP Travel
- Judicial Watch Sues State Dept for Russia Files Sent to Democrat Senator
- Judicial Watch: Obama Travel Cost Taxpayers Nearly $100 Million
- Judicial Watch Sues for Records on Obama White House Unmasking Trump Associates
- Judicial Watch Releases Another 115 Clinton Email Exchanges Involving Confidential Information
- Judicial Watch Sues For Records on Failed $7 Billion School Grants Program Under Obama
- Judicial Watch Cites New Evidence Clinton Knowingly Used Unsecure Device After Being Warned
- Judicial Watch: AG Lynch, FBI Director Comey, President Bill Clinton ‘Should Testify’ About Email Case
- Judicial Watch: Susan Rice’s Unmasking Documents of Trump Team Now Sealed at Obama Library
- Judicial Watch: 'Special Counsel Mueller's Investigation is Out of Control,' DOJ 'Should Shut It Down'
- Judicial Watch: VA Gov.’s Former Electric Car Company Will Cost Taxpayers Millions – Media Silent
- Judicial Watch: More Evidence that Clinton State Dept Favored Clinton Donors
- Judicial Watch: Media Ignore Lawsuit Against DNC, Wasserman Schultz
- Judicial Watch: Court Orders State Department Probe of Clinton Aides’ Emails for Benghazi Information
- Judicial Watch Files Lawsuit for Records on FBI Deputy Director, Gov. McAuliffe, and Campaign Donations
- Judicial Watch: Total Obama Travel Costs So Far, $106 Million
As usual, all of these articles -- some of which were written by CNS managing editor Michael W. Chapman -- stay slavishly close to the message Judicial Watch wants to spread, and no effort is made to solicit anyone who might rebut the group's claims.
A real news organization does not dedicate so much effort to serve as a press release rewrite service for a single partisan organization. CNS, thus, is not a real news organizaiton.