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Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Irony: WND Publishes Column Warning of Irrational Hatred of Obama
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joshua Charles writes in his Dec. 19 WorldNetDaily column:

You know, I really don’t like Barack Obama’s policies. But I had to come to this realization a few years ago: My dislike of the man was bordering on hatred, as is oftentimes so easy in politics. It was so sly, so stealth, that I didn’t even realize it. So I stepped back, and realized that that hatred, even if it was in response to objectively horrible things, blinded me. It made me uncharitable to those who disagreed with me.


And I’m very afraid this hatred blinds many of my fellow conservatives. Not all, as there are many good-hearted people that do not hate the president. But there are many loud mouths who do. They refuse to examine things from another perspective. They constantly succumb to the most conspiratorial and apoplectic interpretation of everything. They must assume that Obama, as the source of most evil in the world, is pulling the strings everywhere, and they must believe he exerts a degree of control that it is simply not possible for him to exert. (Anyone who knows anything about the Executive branch knows how unwieldy it can be.) Sometimes, I have simply requested we be less hysterical on certain issues, and some have accused me of being a “socialist” for this.

They not only hate the president, but think they are somehow being moral for doing so. Everything he does is wrong, nothing he does is right – and they have forgotten that one need not hate a man to soberly conclude he may be wrong, even on everything, and to vigorously oppose him. They imagine themselves brilliant psychoanalysts of the president and are perfectly content with coming up with grand conclusions based on extreme suppositions derived from few facts. They have forgotten that to give in to hate is to undermine oneself, first and foremost, not the one who is the object of that hate.

How ironic that Charles' column appears at WND, which is practically defined by its hatred of Obama. It has spent years trying to personally destroy Obama by promoting dubious or outright false claims, chief among them the "birther" conspiracy. WND editor Joseph Farah hates Obama so much that he refuses to acknowledge Obama as president.

Charles may as well be writing a letter to Farah. But given that Farah is blind to his own sins, it's unlikely he'll get the message. 

Posted by Terry K. at 10:38 AM EST

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