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Sunday, December 21, 2014
WND And The Sin of Disinformation
Topic: WorldNetDaily

From a Dec. 15 WorldNetDaily article:

Pope Francis is charging the “media” with the sin of disinformation, saying that giving people “half” the facts leaves them unable to make accurate judgments.

A report on Monday from writer Thomas Williams said the pope was speaking to the managers and staffers at Catholic television station TV 2000 inside Vatican City.

He named the “sins of the media” and explained, “Of these three sins – disinformation, slander and defamation – slander seems to be the most insidious. But in communication, the most insidious is disinformation.”

He said “disinformation” is providing “half of the facts, and this leads to not being able to make an accurate judgment on reality.”

WND could have taken this opportunity to confess and repent for its own sins of disinformation.  WND employs reporters like Bob Unruh who do nothing but report only half the facts, and Chelsea Schilling, who has a bad habit of reporting total falsehoods. Heck, even WND editor Joseph Farah seems rather proud of the fact that his website publishes misinformation and is himself a documented liar.

Instead, WND turns the article into a sales pitch for a WND-published book by a Soviet defector that was apparently selling so poorly that WND currently is trying to unload it for $4.95.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:34 PM EST

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