Topic: WorldNetDaily
Look at the so-called “leaders” who are blaming the cops and “racism” for Brown’s death. Most of them are products of bad parenting:
Barack Obama continues to draw moral equivalency between police and rioters. His dad was a raging alcoholic who neglected him. His mother was a radical who pushed young Obama on bad role models who shaped his anti-American and racist worldview.
-- Jesse Lee Peterson, Nov. 30 WorldNetDaily column
America is suffering from a lack of leadership. Obama isn’t a leader; he is Erebus eulogizing over America sans having anything kind or truthful to say about her.
His manic supporters are selective in what they view as an example of leadership, none moreso than the hordes of blacks who suffer from willful “he’s black and therefore can do no wrong” syndrome. When they are unable to debate cogently (which is their one constant) they make excuses for Obama and/or wave off his need to be involved in the situation.[...]
A true leader is a man respected at home, revered abroad and feared by the evildoers. But Obama panders to our evildoers, alienates our allies and shows himself to be a limp-wristed paper doll at home. Obama’s only real domestic strength is to foment racial discord and racial antipathy.
-- Mychal Massie, Dec. 1 WND column
On July 3, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the unemployment rate for black Americans is more than double that for white Americans: 10.7 percent versus 5.3 percent.
On Aug. 28, the Washington Post reported that the black unemployment rate has consistently been twice as high as the white unemployment rate for 50 years.
So why on earth is America’s first black president doing so much to impede black American employment by what was headlined in the Washington Post as: “President Defers Deportations for 4 Million, Challenges His Opponents”?
-- Les Kinsolving, Dec. 1 WND column
Instead, the Obama administration continued to stoke the flames and deepen the divide, opening the door to a possible “civil rights” suit against the officer even though they all know that a charge like that will go nowhere. Instead of gathering together pastors, ministers and other peaceful leaders together to form a strategy to communicate to young people the importance of strong values, morals and respect, Obama met with the likes of Al Sharpton, whose only purpose was to elevate the anger and chaos to further his own agenda.
Obama seems to sit back patiently and watch all of this happen. Maybe he even welcomes some of the chaos in the streets of our cities in order to deflect attention from his executive orders and numerous scandals. With a complicit media who live for ratings, he lit the fire, and now can watch it burn. Could this possibly be what he really wants?
-- Morgan Brittany, Dec. 2 WND column
With the tsunami of bizarre, truly insane moves by this president and his clear and present dangerous America haters surrounding him and writing his speeches, more and more caring, thinking, “we the people” Americans are waking up from their apathetic slumber every day, rising up, re-engaging this sacred experiment in self-government, demanding accountability and adherence to the U.S. Constitution – and making clear that we will not put up with much more of this nonsense.
-- Ted Nugent, Dec. 3 WND column
There has been some outfreakage regarding an incident in which President Obama responded to hecklers in Chicago last week at one of his tedious speeches. Apparently, he was in the Windy City to drum up support for his new immigration measures.
I find this more than a bit ironic, since it was only this past July when black Chicago residents organized to protest Chicago mayor and Obama bathhouse buddy Rahm Emanuel’s proposal to house some of the “unaccompanied minors” (who were arriving in droves at our border with Mexico) in Chicago. Black residents were opposed to this, given the record high unemployment among blacks there. With good reason, they have been generally disgusted with the deterioration of the city under Emanuel, and feel that Obama has ignored them.
I sometimes wonder how they would have reacted had they known the Obama administration had in fact orchestrated that flood of Mexican and Central American youth.
-- Erik Rush, Dec. 3 WND column
The question is no longer whether racial relations in America have deteriorated under the first black president. The only question is why he deliberately inflames the passions of racists – black and white.
Is it just a matter of distraction? Political sleight of hand? Is it to let off steam of the broken promises of six years in power and policies that have hurt the very people they were supposed to help?
Or is this orchestrated mayhem rooted in Obama’s own visceral hatred of America? Is it intended to grow exponentially and bring down the whole system – in the model of Cloward-Piven manufactured crisis?
Obama is no longer the “community organizer in chief.” He has become “arsonist in chief.”
-- Joseph Farah, Dec. 3 WND column
President Obama said he would be “a transformative” president. Now we know what he means – he’s transforming the United States into a Third World country.
The president’s executive amnesty has legalized 5 million low-wage workers. What has gotten less attention is his jobs plan for illegal immigrants – a plan that will reverse 200 years of America’s economic development from agrarian colony to industrial powerhouse.
-- Curtis Ellis, Dec. 5 WND column
From the myriad of Obama’s so-called “phony scandals,” to his igniting what has sadly become a war between the races, to his stifling socialist economic policies and his pro-Muslim foreign policy and weakness generally, the nation is in a free fall. Now is the time to act, and we at Freedom Watch, along with brave clients like Sheriff Joe Arpaio, are doing all we can to help save the nation from total collapse.
-- Larry Klayman, Dec. 5 WND column